I first knew about SuicideGirls back in 2004. An ex was totally addicted to the website and told me about it and back then, he encouraged me to try and create an account.
Because I had his account to scoop, I never created my own.
I actually did it, in 2009 with another alias, @irineya ( yes, that's me, many years ago). That account it's still live because the e-mail attached to it, is dead and I couldn't remember the password I used to login back in 2009.
By then, @discordia and I lived very close to each other so in one of our lazy afternoons of girly talking/shooting etc, she asked if I wanted to shoot a set with her for SG. That never actually happened. We tried to schedule but I had no softboxes to try and do an indoor shoot as we both were talking about, so we let the idea fade.
In 2012, after shooting some pics for fun with @discordia , some girls started to ask me if those pictures were a set for Suicidegirls.
Even thou they were not, they started it all. A couple of weeks later I shot my very first set with @kora , then, slowly girls started asking me to photograph them!
I was in awe. College was over by then, so I decided to focus on SG work!
I shot several hopeful girls that went pink, I travelled to Prague and London for shootfests and met amazing girls through the journey.
It's not always easy when we like a girl a lot and the set is just not good enough or the member don't see the potential she has as I do, but there are those other times when I get surprised!
I totally have to thank SG for meeting @einnis , @whisper , @luna , @safira , @ternura and @demonia , my portuguese babes that turned pink with my sets! I also have to thank SG for all the hopefuls that I met that didn't turn pink yet - don't lose hope, keep shooting!
I have to thank SG for bringing me closer to @discordia and for her support when I was doubting myself.
I have to thank SG for helping me meet so many good people through these years, other photographers and suicidegirls that I still get in touch with. We are a family.
Talking about it, totally have to thank SG for @jupiter , my SG sister <3 I miss you
I have to thank my dearest @rigel , @rambo and @lyxzen for putting up with all my e-mails with aaaaalll the questions.
You girls are the best <3
SG has opened many doors photography-wise.
My aesthetic sense has changed, in a very good way, and I've learned to take a step back and think about the picture.
I noticed I started to plan my shoots.
I've grown. As a photographer.
And as a person.
I've learned how to deal with issues professionally, on my own. I've learned to apologize when things go wrong - in 2013 my hard drive stopped working, I lost nearly 20 sets. My heart was broken. I managed to fix that Hard drive but I couldn't get all the sets back.
Thank you family, for being around.