#1 - I've 3 sisters, not two as most people think.
#2 - I'm a sucker for Mountain Dew.
#3 - People usually compliment my feet a lot for the size and shape.
#4 - I have at least 3-4 scented candles inside every clothes drawer. It's a thing.
#5 - Once I didn't sleep for almost 72 hours - due to a very bad anxiety and stressful period of my life. It's not fun, and makes me get extremely upset when people say they don't sleep for days, because the neurological symptoms you get after just 32h without any sleep aren't fun, no no, you didn't not sleep for days, you just havent sleep well for days, which is NOT the same.
#6 - I slit my left wrist with a toaster once. Sounds silly. I was grabbing the toaster and it had a sharp metal thingy sticking out near the cable cord and I didnt notice.. when I reached for the cord it slit my wrist.
#7 - I own a star at the Pisces constellation.
#8 - I was supposed to shoot set with @discordia back in 2008.
#9 - I was invited and attended a workshop by Jonathan and Angela Scott (from, and sponsored by National Geographic) when they went to Portugal.
#10 - I can't stick my tongue out, i've ankyloglossia.