Bakeryman and me
The HOT Jack Sparrow
The mud dude who asked for soap money, I gave him two bucks. Just had to get a pic with that cute face. Just look at it!
Here are the pictures!!!!!! More later, going out to eat with my daddoo.
See Bakeryman for more photo's under his pic folder.
Um so this weekend kicked SO MUCH ASS its not even funny!
Went to Ren Fest with the Lovely Bakeryman, the bearded Xcdat, and the goofy Starlet_LK.
Those 3 are the greatest!
Bakeryman showed up first unfortunetley. I say that cause sadly he had to wait around on me cause I awoke early to get online and try and purchase Tool tickets BUT that didn't happen for me ass well for every fucken one else in the DFW area and surrounding areas.
Ren Fest was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
Bakeryman and I hung out all day together, so much fun was had!
We walked around and our first stop was the torture chamber/horror house or at least it was to me. he he
It was so freakin cool!
It was like Halloween come early for me! They had Medieval torture devices throughout the house and on the walls they had pictures with explanations of each device on the background explaining the story of what each one did and what the person would go through and the humiliation they endured. Wow, just wow! Thank goodness we don't live in the Medieval period.
The best fucken part, and he agreed with me, was the "Iron Maiden" part that had this huge Skeleton guy that had hydraulics and a cool sound system. Its mouth would open wide and bang shut! It was amazing! Had to be at least 15 feet tall!!!!! I think he has pictures, hopefully. If not you just had to be there ya fuckers.
Then off to the Birds of Prey. My god they were exquisite creatures at this show!
I can't remember what all they had to show us, but the birds were beautiful!
The word falconry was used so many times. I loved the way the main guy said it! I can't remember what his stage persona was, but at Ren Fest they have all sorts of weird status's, but his accent reminded me of Billy Connolly from Boondock Saints. he he
Anywho they had hawks, a vulture, an owl and falcons fly out.
I have loved these types of birds all my life since I was a wee lass. They are so god damn Beautiful! I almost teared up a little bit staring at them! I envied the woman who volunteered to let the vulture fly down on to her arm.
I so wanted to be her. I sighed under my breath as i watcher her scared little face. I would have held my head proud and had a smile on my face with that magnificent creature gliding towards me.
Then off to the Mud show to watch Shakespeare performed in a mud pit. Okay, that sounds odd, but it is so much fun to watch 3 men get dirty and say weird things. A little boy loved getting dirty and I thought his parents would be pissed, but no they thought it funny. The drunk guy was funny or as the speaker called him "scary drunk guy" and his sidekick "scary drunk guys friend." HA
Those guys were hilarious and so loud. The audience was really into it and participated alot, I really enjoyed myself.
I laughed my ass off in there!
Bakeryman did ass well!
Met up with Xcdat and Starlet later on with her son along in tow. He was being a grumpy little thing. I think he was tired; he was playing the "no" game. he he I was being a meanie and said no back to him over and over again. Yeah, I love messing with him. lol
We saw the jousting together after Bakeryman and I watched a blowing glass demonstration. That was great also (something I wish to accomplish later on in my life).
That was by far the coolest thing for the end to a day!
Good Vs. Evil I guess was the theme?
So of course the good guys won and killed the bad dude.
Starlets son liked watching the fighting or so I think. Was kinda hard to tell, I think he was confused about what was going on. I know he was sure on the bad guy being killed. lol
Then we walked back to the gates and parted from the 3 of them. Bakeryman and I checked out the glassmakers stand to see the finished pieces he had for sale then headed to our cars. He got an actual pic of us together at my suggestion since my snob ass forgot to get a shot of him all day.
Sorry dude, I suck!
THEN I went to Arlington where I met the most wonderful guy in the longest time. Whoaness guys Whoaness
His name is Houston and he is the total opposite of me!
Met him through Starlets friend who called me last week drunk as a skunk asking if I liked tats which I replied to as hell yes so I was put on the phone with Houston. lol
So he asked if I was single, yes, asked for my number, so I said yes, date movie thursday, flat tire; reschedule for saturday; so Ren fest was the next thing to do for us so we hung out after I did that at his house since no money after the tire which he felt like a poor bastard for.
Men are so silly let me tell you! ha ha Its car troubles, you didn't expect it, be cool man!
So all in all this guy is amazing, fun night of drinking, hanging out, flirting, cuddling, flirting with his friends girlfriend
Now that is a line!
He talked of being with me even.
He made me breakfast this morning then we cuddled all day long off and on. Now say awwwwwwww.
Then he gave me a back massage not once, but TWICE!
And it wasn't a shitty one he took a class for it at TCC. HA
That is awesome! He said he flunked the class, but man he should have passed I was moaning with pleasure it felt so good!
So the game plan he ran by me is we will talk for the next two weeks since that is when he gets paid (since no moolah) and see where is goes and make a decision on where to go.
So I just might get me a fella! And just in time for my break at being single too. I'm always single for a year to a year and a half then a I meet someone. It is so odd! ha ha
This guy is such a sweetheart! And such a gentleman!
Wowsa, don't jinx it though, girl!
I just have such a smile. he gave me so many freakin compliments. Wow, just wow! So effin happy!!!!!!!
So pictures coming when Bakeryman gets them to me!
i love pirates!
cool pics looks like u had fun!