One can only wish!
From a good friends pic folder, the one and only Malaclypse. He's a sly little devil and such a little perv. This is a little joke of his. He loves to say "Dickencider".
I bitched and complained over the weekend at Matt and him so sorry bout that hon.
I didn't get to have any fun this weekend. Sat at home on my arse the whole time watching movies on the boob tube. People sucked and didn't call back or didn't call at all. Friends are fucken fantastic. See what makes me sad over yonder.
Yeah, kinda feel like being the attention whore tonight.
You heard me Fucker. Yeah thats right, I'm talking to You.
Ah its just that time of the month for me. ha ha
Sick ain't I? HA
But you Love it, don't lie. Why else would I be on your friend's list.
Oh and don't forget you DFW's I have 1 Pit ticket for Slayer.
"So whos coming with me, Man?," done in my best Jim Breuer voice.
Sadly about 15 minutes ago my beloved dog Daisy was found forever asleep in my garage where she was last seen laying down not able to get up. She hasn't eaten for days. My dad would try to give her food and water, but she would not accept anything from him. She looked like the dogs on Animal Planet that are rescued from the houses that are abused so badly from not eating. Her ribs were showing, sunken deep and the skin pulled tight around. It was breaking my heart to see her like that. I begged my parents to take her to the vet almost 6 months ago to be put to sleep to avoid this situation. My god this sucks! She is either 17 or 18 years old, my first dog. She is a blonde Sharpei with a beautiful brown coat. Pavlov will miss her dearly. He is my Chow/Lab mix. He is freaking out right now seeing her lifeless body, but why didn't he freak out the last few days? Instint would have kicked in, no?
i know. unfortunately i will have to give that up for awhile as well. damn looking for a new job that'll drug test me!!!
it's too bad your parents didn't put her down sooner since she was in such a bad way. i hate to see animals suffering. my sister kept our dog alive way longer than she should have been because she couldn't let go.
stellie is 9lbs of sheer terror. she runs up to other dogs and totally gets in their faces. i love the lil gal though. she's gotten me through some pretty dark days this year.