Into the new trailer now... had to BLEACH the shit out of it because it smelled like bug bomb so bad. I used all the bleach Tuesday on it and my eyes were so red and watery I looked like a crack addict! LOL. After that was done had to pick up the necessary things to live in here and some carpet stuff to make... Read More
So I am being kicked out because the old people don't need me and my friend anymore to help with bills and I'm moving into a new shitty trailer. We will barely be able to cover it, but we can't afford to cut on the water and stuff. We are FUCKED.
Everyday we all learn something and grow in knowledge, even if it is something as small as learning a new word. Learning always interests me, because I feel as though I move forward in a way in my life. That being said, what do you have to teach me?
Mostly i play acoustic rock stuff now. Listen to Foo Fighter Skin and Bones CD. I've been playing since my stepdad put me in his bluegrass band when i was 13.
What a fuckin great way to get close to beginning a new year. I got pulled over for car tags and the bill = out to be like 500 dollars. The fuckin police expect me to pay that when I am barely going to cover my phone and car insurance this month?! Not including the fact that I am out of food?! You gotta be... Read More