Into the new trailer now... had to BLEACH the shit out of it because it smelled like bug bomb so bad. I used all the bleach Tuesday on it and my eyes were so red and watery I looked like a crack addict! LOL. After that was done had to pick up the necessary things to live in here and some carpet stuff to make the place smell nice. It is coming along. We have lights and water but my car is breaking down (go figure) and we gotta make money fast to fix it before I am unable to get into work and take my roommate to work. No car= no money making. x_x Hopefully I can get everything fixed soon and be alright. Much Love to everyone who has talked to me and kept my hopes up during this long hard moving process.
Glad things are going well. Hope the car stays together long enough
Have a good week.

Keep yer chin up kiddo.