just because life is good but at a pause doesn't mean anything bad. maybe this pause is needed to truly figure out the changes you need to me as opposed to the ones you want to make. Take your time and really think about where you want to be in the long term and then figure out what short term steps you need to make.
BTW i miss talking to you in chat punk hope you have a good day!
Its finally all happening, tomorrow i am moving in with my partner of almost 2 years now! So excited, im not nervous about living with him at all..... him on the other hand lol
We found a place that had pretty much everything that we asked for and $10 under budget ! so i am only gonna pay $15 more than i am now and... Read More
So since my last blog few awesome things have happened.
Rob has found full time work which pays ok for admin, enough to help get us ready to move in together.
It looks like this will be happening sooner than we expected, we are going to try and find a place to move into once this lease is up, but if it doesnt happen we... Read More
Take credit miss, you have done an awesome job a kicking my arse and pushing me. I never thought I could do this, and I wouldn't have without your help.
I am looking forward to getting on with a new goal and pushing myself to that, with your help of course.
yeah it sucks we will be further away from each other but we will have to make more effort to hang out and do fun things hahaha, no more sitting home on the couch hahaha. hopefully i can still see you for pt once a week. you have helped me so much change my life.... I am so lucky to have friends who will help me turn things around
i hope it all goes to plan for you and rob moving together!
praying, crossing fingers, positive thinking.... everything i can to hope that Rob finds a job, he is trying so hard and has applied for hundreds, his resume is great, but no response, there must be alot of people in the same boat..... i hope it happens soon so that the whole moving thing can become a reality a bit quicker, im not sure i want... Read More
hmmm. will any random retail job do, or is he after something a bit more interesting?
most government departments do their own recruitment these days - he should hit up the big federal and state departments (centrelink/tax/qld health/qld rail etc) and see about getting on their temp register. While there has been a move away from recruiting from the temp pool to full time, generally you'll get the inside word on when permanent jobs are coming up, and the experience with working for the department in question will probably be a massive added bonus.
the only difficulty is that government selection criteria tend to be tough if you're not used to it - so if he does want to go for a gvt job and needs a hand with selection criteria, then I'm happy to help.
the other big thing with gvt jobs is that the time between advertising, interview and actual start date is usually massive - sometimes 3-6 months - so don't expect it to be over quickly
next few months are going to be unusual....
moving my business to a new workplace, moving back home.... either mine or my boyfriends ...and trying to get ourselves financially stable with the hope of getting a house to rent in the longrun.
i hope it all works out.... im hoping that having a new place will really help our businesses to grow, then i can... Read More
good luck with the move - that sounds like a great plan.
Haloumi is amazing.... next time you have a BBQ, get some skewers, and alternate cubes of haloumi, slices of chorizo and pieces of lemon. then mix up a lemon juice/mint/olive oil sauce to drizzle over the top (about 3parts juice/1 oil)
BTW i miss talking to you in chat punk
its in the Australia group thread Brisbane hookup.