I know, I have been gone from here for waaay too long. Sometimes life just takes over and it's impossible to keep up and unfortunately SG was at the bottom of the priority list. Times have been up and times have been down which leads to a lot of searching and discovering and really working out what is important. I'm really glad to see some old faces still around here and I'm especially looking forward to catching up with everyone at the ball. thanks to Christina for talking me into it
I have been traveling a lot and exploring the world. Modelling and getting back into my art which had been neglected for many years. I'm hoping to focus more on the creative direction life's taking and I'm sure SG can help with this in tons of ways so you'll probably see me around a bit more often
One thing I don't like about the internet and social media sites is that we (not everyone but I find myself guilty of this) is that we can hide behind a persona that we create. we can show the world only what we want it to see and what we want to be and it's not necessarily our true selves. Maybe we can't show ourselves because we are sacred what others will think or because we are shy? I find people judging me all the time by my modelling pic's in positive and negative ways and either way I can't take their judgements or compliments to heart because I feel that what they see isn't really me at all.... and maybe thats why I do it because I'm scared for some reason some person will look deep into my soul and juge me and that judgement of my true self will scare me to death. ... Anyway I'm talking about some deep shit here and it's because I want to break free of all the glitz and glamour that has been my life, not give a shit what people think and feel good about just being myself. In saying this I don't hate what I do, far from it I actually love modelling and the creative side of it. It will always be a part of me and I take it very seriously but when you see a picture of me looking a million dollars I'm sorry but it's all smoke and mirrors lol. I just want to be accepted for me, for who I am, not for what I look like.
I'm not sure if you'll see more sets from me here as the way the site works now is way too different from when I joined back in 2004 and I don't know if I'd agree to the terms but you never know maybe I'll change my mind. You can always follow my art nude work here Tumblr and if on MM here Model Mayhem and if you are instagram inclined and like to see landscapes and just weird shit I like to photograph you can follow me here http://instagram.com/anneduffy
So as you can guess my name is not really Allura. I chose it 'cause it sounded like a cheesy pornstar name and SG wouldn't let us use our real names.... So anyway my real name is Anne and if you prefer to call me that thats totally cool

I have been traveling a lot and exploring the world. Modelling and getting back into my art which had been neglected for many years. I'm hoping to focus more on the creative direction life's taking and I'm sure SG can help with this in tons of ways so you'll probably see me around a bit more often

One thing I don't like about the internet and social media sites is that we (not everyone but I find myself guilty of this) is that we can hide behind a persona that we create. we can show the world only what we want it to see and what we want to be and it's not necessarily our true selves. Maybe we can't show ourselves because we are sacred what others will think or because we are shy? I find people judging me all the time by my modelling pic's in positive and negative ways and either way I can't take their judgements or compliments to heart because I feel that what they see isn't really me at all.... and maybe thats why I do it because I'm scared for some reason some person will look deep into my soul and juge me and that judgement of my true self will scare me to death. ... Anyway I'm talking about some deep shit here and it's because I want to break free of all the glitz and glamour that has been my life, not give a shit what people think and feel good about just being myself. In saying this I don't hate what I do, far from it I actually love modelling and the creative side of it. It will always be a part of me and I take it very seriously but when you see a picture of me looking a million dollars I'm sorry but it's all smoke and mirrors lol. I just want to be accepted for me, for who I am, not for what I look like.
I'm not sure if you'll see more sets from me here as the way the site works now is way too different from when I joined back in 2004 and I don't know if I'd agree to the terms but you never know maybe I'll change my mind. You can always follow my art nude work here Tumblr and if on MM here Model Mayhem and if you are instagram inclined and like to see landscapes and just weird shit I like to photograph you can follow me here http://instagram.com/anneduffy
So as you can guess my name is not really Allura. I chose it 'cause it sounded like a cheesy pornstar name and SG wouldn't let us use our real names.... So anyway my real name is Anne and if you prefer to call me that thats totally cool


Glad to see you back Anne! You were missed.

hi pretty lady, you still look mega sexy as always