And to think things couldn't get any buisier! Since my last update - 2 sydney trips one Adelaide trip and a Melbourne trip! I really enjoy all the travelling though and I seem to be quite used to the constant racing around every second of the day. I don't think I could just sit down and spend a few moments to myself anymore which is probaly the worst thing about it. People need time for reflection and introspection otherwise we can't grow.
Anyway to add to the crazyness the Lunamorph fashion show is on this Friday at the carriageworks in Sydney. I'll be takig part modeling some clothing by a local Canberra/Sydney designers.

Also coming up is an exhibition by Alex Proyas who I modeled for for some of the photographs. So if your in Sydney during this time be sure to check it out!

Oh yeah and I've just been published in a book recently too! Bondage and Photographs by
Garth Knight

Garth will also be performing some of his bondage work at Lunamorph and will be holding an exhibition there.
The jester ball on Friday night was AWESOME!!! everyone put soo much effort into their outfits and I felt as though I had stepped back in time into a fairytale! I really hope they hold a similar event in Canberra next year. I didn't get any pic's 'cause I'm a lazy bugger and couldn't be bothered carrying around my camera all night but a few of my friends took some piccies so I'll post some a little later.
I'll leave you with a random assortment of recent pictures.

Photographer and copyright Peter Coulson

Photographer and copyright Darren Phillips

Photographer and copyright Stephen Trutwin

Photographer and copyright Stephen Trutwin

Photographer and copyright Stephen Trutwin
-A x
Anyway to add to the crazyness the Lunamorph fashion show is on this Friday at the carriageworks in Sydney. I'll be takig part modeling some clothing by a local Canberra/Sydney designers.

Also coming up is an exhibition by Alex Proyas who I modeled for for some of the photographs. So if your in Sydney during this time be sure to check it out!

Oh yeah and I've just been published in a book recently too! Bondage and Photographs by
Garth Knight

Garth will also be performing some of his bondage work at Lunamorph and will be holding an exhibition there.
The jester ball on Friday night was AWESOME!!! everyone put soo much effort into their outfits and I felt as though I had stepped back in time into a fairytale! I really hope they hold a similar event in Canberra next year. I didn't get any pic's 'cause I'm a lazy bugger and couldn't be bothered carrying around my camera all night but a few of my friends took some piccies so I'll post some a little later.
I'll leave you with a random assortment of recent pictures.

Photographer and copyright Peter Coulson

Photographer and copyright Darren Phillips

Photographer and copyright Stephen Trutwin

Photographer and copyright Stephen Trutwin

Photographer and copyright Stephen Trutwin
-A x
wow you must be busy - no word for over a month!!!! hope things are good
and you'll return with some pretty pictures soon!

Hey there - hope everything is well in your world