Ok Well this is what I've been up to:
I've been shooting in Brisbane as I mentioned in my last journal. I had a great time up there and I'm looking forward to going back for the SGAU ball in August!! While I was there Ben and I drove down to Byron to do some fire twirling shots.

Photographer and copyright Ben Heys

Photographer and copyright Ben Heys

Photographer and copyright Ben Heys. Some of you Brisbane folk might recognise this location ; )
I had some problems getting my fire gear back down to Canberra because they wouldn't let me take it on the plane, which is crazy because they let me take it up there by plane
. I even rang beforehand and asked if I could take them and they instructed me on how to wrap it for the flight!!!?? Anyway so I had to pay $50 to freight it down to Canberra
Not long after I returned from Brissie I was off again down to Melbourne. The first couple of nights I was put up in this beautiful little cottage in the Dandenong's. When I walked into the cottage I recognised it instantly as I had seen it on getaway and commented about how I would love to stay somewhere like that! That luxury was good while it lasted but after that I was in a noisy apartment in the middle of the city. I don't have many pictures back from the Melbourne trip yet but here are the few I do have

Photographer and copyright Wayne Quilliam

Photographer and copyright Wayne Quilliam
Last Wednesday I went up to Sydney to see my favourite singer in the world, Lisa Gerrard!!!!
I still haven't gotten over how wonderful she was to see live. I don't think I ever will! Her music reaches you on onother leval. Your not just listening but feeling it.
I went back up to Sydney yesterday for another shoot. It rained most of the day which spoiled some of our ideas but I still think we got some great shots out of it ; )
Back in Canberra today and had the nicest sleep in ever!
-A x
I've been shooting in Brisbane as I mentioned in my last journal. I had a great time up there and I'm looking forward to going back for the SGAU ball in August!! While I was there Ben and I drove down to Byron to do some fire twirling shots.

Photographer and copyright Ben Heys

Photographer and copyright Ben Heys

Photographer and copyright Ben Heys. Some of you Brisbane folk might recognise this location ; )
I had some problems getting my fire gear back down to Canberra because they wouldn't let me take it on the plane, which is crazy because they let me take it up there by plane

Not long after I returned from Brissie I was off again down to Melbourne. The first couple of nights I was put up in this beautiful little cottage in the Dandenong's. When I walked into the cottage I recognised it instantly as I had seen it on getaway and commented about how I would love to stay somewhere like that! That luxury was good while it lasted but after that I was in a noisy apartment in the middle of the city. I don't have many pictures back from the Melbourne trip yet but here are the few I do have

Photographer and copyright Wayne Quilliam

Photographer and copyright Wayne Quilliam
Last Wednesday I went up to Sydney to see my favourite singer in the world, Lisa Gerrard!!!!

I went back up to Sydney yesterday for another shoot. It rained most of the day which spoiled some of our ideas but I still think we got some great shots out of it ; )
Back in Canberra today and had the nicest sleep in ever!
-A x
You never tell us when you're coming to Sydney these days! 

very nice shoots