Ouchies Ouchies Ouchies! I am sunburnt.
I woke up early this morning to go running with Nikki, we tried to go before the temperature hit 100 degrees. It was still damn hot though. Anyway, we walked/ran for about 3 or 4 miles. 2 laps aroung shelley lake! We're getting good.
Then decided to jump in the pool afterwards. After a couple of catcalls from the heating and air guys working a few rows over, we made it to the pool.
The water felt sooooo good. But the sun was bright as hell. I didn't put on any sunscreen thinking "I'd like to have a little sun" "We won't stay very long" about half an hour later we get out. I didn't think I was burnt at all. Once my skin had a little time to oxidize the pink kicked in.
I now look like a ghost with a pink face and pink shoulders. It doesn't hurt unless I scratch it. I have had worse for sure. Like the time I got second degree sunburn. Oh the blisters... and then more blisters..
"Stupid sun.... you're on notice. If you don't send me an apology.... you're dead to me"
I couldn't resist a little Stephen Colbert.
Oh well. I'll just keep bathing in aloe.
I woke up early this morning to go running with Nikki, we tried to go before the temperature hit 100 degrees. It was still damn hot though. Anyway, we walked/ran for about 3 or 4 miles. 2 laps aroung shelley lake! We're getting good.
Then decided to jump in the pool afterwards. After a couple of catcalls from the heating and air guys working a few rows over, we made it to the pool.
The water felt sooooo good. But the sun was bright as hell. I didn't put on any sunscreen thinking "I'd like to have a little sun" "We won't stay very long" about half an hour later we get out. I didn't think I was burnt at all. Once my skin had a little time to oxidize the pink kicked in.
I now look like a ghost with a pink face and pink shoulders. It doesn't hurt unless I scratch it. I have had worse for sure. Like the time I got second degree sunburn. Oh the blisters... and then more blisters..
"Stupid sun.... you're on notice. If you don't send me an apology.... you're dead to me"
I couldn't resist a little Stephen Colbert.
Oh well. I'll just keep bathing in aloe.
awww haha, I hate the sun because it brings out my freckles. And When I'm at work I'm in the sun so I have a wicked farmers tan!