Im a idiot.
Or so it would seem.
The way the world is going at the moment im not allowed to make my own choices or decide things for myself.
Recently the BORAT film came out. In the uk a civil rights group objected to it saying that it would give people the wrong idea about Kazakhstan. When it was pointed out to them that the film was not making fun of Kazakhstan but instead showing how quick and easily people could belive these things about a country them dont know about, the group responded with "we understand this. But we feel that most of the audience of the film will not be intelligent enough to tell the differance"
So what they are saying is....your too stupid to understand the its better that it dosent try.
Im feed up picking up a bag of nuts and it saying "contains nuts" on the packaging. When i see that christmas partys have been cancelled because risk assesments havent been made on mince pies it makes me mad.
The world is full of idiots and its getting worse by the day.
I was in london at the weekend. While waiting for the tube i looked around...people keeping to themself...only looking downwards. The train pulled into the station and people started to get onboard. I stepped forward...but then stepped to the side to let three young women on first. They looked at me as if i was a lunatic.. On the train i asked them why they had reacted that way. Aparently that was the first time in 4 years that anyone had let them go first onto the ever lettomg them on ahead. Its not like the train was busy...but still people push forward....I WANT TO GET ON FIRST.
I bought a external drive for my comp the other day.
"are you using that for buisness or personal use?" asked the cashier.
"why?" i asked
"if its buisness...i cant sell you have to order it."
"its for personal use" i replied.
"what are you going to use it for?" he asked
"none of your buisness" i replied.
You cant even buy stuff without being asked what your going to use it for.
When did it become like this? Were we out partying when the law was changed. Are we so bad that we need people to tell us everything?
"we dont have this dvd instock at the moment"
"why not? there are about 20 cases on the shelf"
"its not out yet"
"if its not out yet....why is it at no1 in your chart? it cant be no1 if its not out yet"
"we expect it to go to no1 when it comes in"
"how will i know when it comes in?"
"it will be on the shelf"
"but its on the shelf now...and its not in"
"in that case youll have to come back when its in"
War and famine and hatred. But its the little things like this that will damm us all
Or so it would seem.
The way the world is going at the moment im not allowed to make my own choices or decide things for myself.
Recently the BORAT film came out. In the uk a civil rights group objected to it saying that it would give people the wrong idea about Kazakhstan. When it was pointed out to them that the film was not making fun of Kazakhstan but instead showing how quick and easily people could belive these things about a country them dont know about, the group responded with "we understand this. But we feel that most of the audience of the film will not be intelligent enough to tell the differance"
So what they are saying is....your too stupid to understand the its better that it dosent try.
Im feed up picking up a bag of nuts and it saying "contains nuts" on the packaging. When i see that christmas partys have been cancelled because risk assesments havent been made on mince pies it makes me mad.
The world is full of idiots and its getting worse by the day.
I was in london at the weekend. While waiting for the tube i looked around...people keeping to themself...only looking downwards. The train pulled into the station and people started to get onboard. I stepped forward...but then stepped to the side to let three young women on first. They looked at me as if i was a lunatic.. On the train i asked them why they had reacted that way. Aparently that was the first time in 4 years that anyone had let them go first onto the ever lettomg them on ahead. Its not like the train was busy...but still people push forward....I WANT TO GET ON FIRST.
I bought a external drive for my comp the other day.
"are you using that for buisness or personal use?" asked the cashier.
"why?" i asked
"if its buisness...i cant sell you have to order it."
"its for personal use" i replied.
"what are you going to use it for?" he asked
"none of your buisness" i replied.
You cant even buy stuff without being asked what your going to use it for.
When did it become like this? Were we out partying when the law was changed. Are we so bad that we need people to tell us everything?
"we dont have this dvd instock at the moment"
"why not? there are about 20 cases on the shelf"
"its not out yet"
"if its not out yet....why is it at no1 in your chart? it cant be no1 if its not out yet"
"we expect it to go to no1 when it comes in"
"how will i know when it comes in?"
"it will be on the shelf"
"but its on the shelf now...and its not in"
"in that case youll have to come back when its in"
War and famine and hatred. But its the little things like this that will damm us all
im so bored
