Good Morning!
This time of year can be very difficult for me, so I will start by saying, thank you to everyone who has been by my side through my ups and downs. A HUGE shoutout to @burden_in_my_hand for being everything a girl could ask for in a friend. I may not always be flowers and rainbows, but you sure know how to bring out the sunshine in my day. :>
Now that I have the mooshies out of the way, :P I GOT A NEW FISH!
I was very lucky to stumble upon a 120-gallon tank and stand. I upgraded from a 75-gallon, which was much too small for my 19" Pleco, named Beefcake. Upon setting up the new tank, I realized I needed more supplies, gravel, a large heater, and more plants... Well, I got DISTRACTED and found this absolutely adorable Black Ghost Knife Fish. I fell in love and brought it home with me, completely forgetting the task at hand.
So I get this dude home, and I'm in love, he has the face of a puppy and the body of a little baby eel. EEK!! Anyway, I'm researching what he eats, etc... I found out, they have the temperament of Golden Retrievers, you can hand feed them... AND THEY SNUGGLE WITH YOU!!! NO WAY! :O
So here I am, 4:30 in the morning, feeding my puppy-eel brine shrimp out of a turkey baster, hoping I can someday train him to jump through little hoops for treats. He makes me happy.
The weird moral of my blog today is, even though I might not be feeling tip-top, I know that I can provide love and care to someone else, and make THEM feel good, which in turn, settles my heart. The littlest things in life can be our greatest joy. What we do for others, how we nurture them and show them that they matter, can be what we need to see some warmth in ourselves.
Never give up on having a good heart.
How many more and what have you acquired now?
@cumminstech I have 16 fish in total. My latest is a Red Devil Cichlid.