I hate my nabors! Its bad enough that they are loud and can hear them all day long. Lately they have been listenin to loud rap. I have a meeting tomorrow and for once in my life decided to get to bed before 2 A.M. yeah. not gonig to happen. they woke me up with fucknig loud rap. now Im awake and won't be able to sleep. fucking ass holes. I wish there was something I could do in return to make their lifes as miserible as mine is right now.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 18, 2007
Im bored out of my mind right now. haha its 1:30 am. I guess I shou… -
Thursday Feb 08, 2007
Ok im here. I never have anything to post about. I was going to let… -
Monday Sep 25, 2006
Sorry I jsut love some of these videos. They are so stupid. http:… -
Monday Sep 25, 2006
Man Im bored I want to go out and do something. I don't know. Ma… -
Sunday Sep 17, 2006
hahahahaha http://www.shooshtime.com/clips/video.php?id=10183 -
Sunday Jul 02, 2006
fuck my life I am so sore from yesterday. My muscels hurt everywhere… -
Monday May 29, 2006
On wensday I go in to draw up my full sleeve! fuck yeah! Im so excite… -
Saturday May 27, 2006
woo Im another year older fuckers! weeee Thanks for all the wonde… -
Friday May 12, 2006
drunk and depressed. great start to a weekend for only being 8:46 pm… -
their car - window seals.
Recipe for neighbourly misery.
Brought to you by evil inc.