They say that if you ever watched how sausage is made you'd probably stop eating it, and frankly when it comes to politics in this country as of late, nothing is more accurate. The process is just ridiculous and is now set up so that virtually nothing gets done. And, I'm just talking about the actual process, not the destructive and disgusting rhetoric that's being spewed by members of both parties as they try to frame every debate. That discourse is its own mess; politicians have taken to a scorched earth type of rhetoric that is so corrosive it's scary. Conservative columnist David Frum summed up the Republican side pretty well in this blog entry from his website.
But today, the country took a step forward and passed a health care reform bill that may not be perfect, but at least begins to uphold what I think is a valuable principal: That everyone should have some sort of health care. We're the greatest country on earth, and while I don't think that government should solve all of our problems, nor that we can throw money we don't have at everything, I do believe that we should take care of our own.
Only time will tell how good or bad of a bill it is. But, I'm glad it's done. Something got done.
But today, the country took a step forward and passed a health care reform bill that may not be perfect, but at least begins to uphold what I think is a valuable principal: That everyone should have some sort of health care. We're the greatest country on earth, and while I don't think that government should solve all of our problems, nor that we can throw money we don't have at everything, I do believe that we should take care of our own.
Only time will tell how good or bad of a bill it is. But, I'm glad it's done. Something got done.
i started this as a way of exploring my relationship with food. I think I eat very mindlessly alot of the time, and I don't pay much attention to what I eat. part of this experiment is that it forces me to think of what I eat, and to think about it.
I haven't had any food cravings so far. meat hasn't really been on my mind.
I'm not so into telling other people what to eat, so I sort of doubt i'd be admitted into the vegan club.
hope life is treating you well