I've come to realize that I'm not the biggest fan of spring. Not that it's terrible, but I hate the temperature fluctuations... 50's/60's one day, 30's/40's the next. Granted, we're not technically in spring yet but after this weekend's warm snap, I loath going back down to the 40's.
Been a while since my last post. Life is OK. Work has it's usual ups and downs, as does my relationship. Too long and drawn out to go into, plus it's the same stuff that all couples probably go through over the course of their union. Wonderful, frustrating, great, maddening, comfortable, alien... yada yada yada.
Here's a question to change the subject, is the Obama administration, or their proposals/policies, part of what's driving the economy down, or keeping it down? I'd love to know what to people think; I tend to think that it is not part of the cause, but the constant obsessing over it isn't helping (neither is my asking about it, I guess, but I'm curious, lol)

Been a while since my last post. Life is OK. Work has it's usual ups and downs, as does my relationship. Too long and drawn out to go into, plus it's the same stuff that all couples probably go through over the course of their union. Wonderful, frustrating, great, maddening, comfortable, alien... yada yada yada.
Here's a question to change the subject, is the Obama administration, or their proposals/policies, part of what's driving the economy down, or keeping it down? I'd love to know what to people think; I tend to think that it is not part of the cause, but the constant obsessing over it isn't helping (neither is my asking about it, I guess, but I'm curious, lol)
I'd love to see a 95+ win season but I just don't have much faith in Girardi. I seriously think he looks as lost as George Bush sometimes. Swish will do just fine over at 3rd until A-Hole gets back from his boo boo. IF we can stay healthy and team chemistry stays up this team can will do fine. I just really don't see that big drive in Girardi though. Leaving spring training to drink beer and shoot pool doesn't constitute good management skills in my book but then again who knows...
I haven't worked in a while. I'm focusing more on local places in my job search. I might be better off with part time work for starters in order to ease back into the swing of things . My financial situation will ease up in about five months. I'm trying to manage until then. Right now, it's touch and go, unfortunately.