By now you're probably a bit burned out by the election, and maybe even bored with my constant rumblings about the campaign. But guess what? I'm going to ask you again to vote on Tuesday, and if you can see fit, please vote for Barack Obama. Please. Thanks.
Can I be burned out and excited about it at the same time? I can't wait for the mailings and phone calls to be over, but I'm really looking forward to actually voting (for Obama, again.) My mom and I usually go to the polls together, and this year I'm hoping to take my sister as well--it'll be her first presidential election (my second.)
I'm so grateful that this country can finally start the long road back from the damage done to it over the last eight years. Obama's task is daunting. I don't envy him. I do feel that he will select the best people to help him lead us out of this mess.