I hate when old men stare at me. I hate it even more when I am with my husband.
I decided that the next time some old shit is staring at my tits, I am going to go up to him, get all in his face and in my 'ghetto'ist' voice say.."why the fuck are you starrin at my man" Better yet...I am going to have Rian walk up and say that to them. That'll teach them.
I decided that the next time some old shit is staring at my tits, I am going to go up to him, get all in his face and in my 'ghetto'ist' voice say.."why the fuck are you starrin at my man" Better yet...I am going to have Rian walk up and say that to them. That'll teach them.

i don't mean to make you cry..
heck, i do it plenty for the both of us, but it is all good, it is a part of the process i am sure.