outfit: tshirt, pants
hairstyle: boring
jewelry: none
underwear: you dont know joe?
nail color: marker
time: 5:47pm
cut yourself: no
lick yourself: like a popsicle
whine a lot: maybe
yell a lot: nope
want to die: no
have a bf/gf: yes
do drugs: no
wear dark colors: most of the time
dye your hair: no
shave strange places: if you mean my pubic . i trim.
kissed someone: yes
gotten drunk: yes
worn rainbow socks: im a guy
talked on the phone for over 3 hours: yes
left the country: no
had a party with over 30 people: been to one, never had one
taken nude pictures: once
caught something on fire: yes
cheated on someone: no
asked someone out: yeah
been dumped: yeah
dumped someone: no
you touched: my g/f three days ago
you talked to: my g/f
you hugged: my g/f
you instant messaged: phoenixonfire27
who broke your heart: monica a g/f i had for 2 years. over with
understanding: yes
open-minded: yes
arrogant: no
insecure: of course
interesting: no
hungry: yes
smart: somethings
moody: sometimes.
childish: happens
independent: half and half
hard working: yeah
healthy: not diseased or sick but i dont eat well
shy: depends usually.
difficult: no i'm pretty east going
attractive: some days
bored easily:i could
thirsty: yes
obsessed: sure
angry: next to never
happy: only with my g/f
trusting: 100%.
talkative: fucking a if i know you
ignored: alot
reliable: yes
self-disciplined: yes
sleepy: yes
lonely: yes...
what is your birthname? kristian harper
what is your birthday?: october 9, 2004
boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
how tall are you?: 6
shoe size?: 12
brothers/sisters?: 2 each
job?: yes walmart
who is your favorite band?: profile
color?: black and blue not together.
soda?: dr. pepper
music?: variety and mood are factors
stores in the mall?: no
ice cream?: mint choclate chip
roller coaster?: yes!
candy?: troll peaches
cd?: i burn mine.
cookies?: chewy
juice?: orange and apple
holiday?: the creepy halloween one
month?: warm one
cried?: no
missed someone?: yes
yelled at someone?: no
changed your underwear?: yes
drove somewhere?: yeah
talked to someone on the phone?: yeah
been online?: yes
smiled?: yes
had sex?: no
kissed someone?: no
hugged someone?: no
last thing you ate? beef stew.
been in love?: yes
kissed someone of the same sex?: i could in a box i wouldnt with a fox.
been in trouble with the police?: no
hit someone?: yes
broke something?: yes
betrayed a friend?: no
played strip poker?: no
skipped school?: yeah
stolen something?: yes
shot a gun?: i killed a man. j/k
broken something important?: my heart
smoked weed?: yes
dyed your hair?: yes
what is sitting next to you?: a bed
do you get along with your mother?: yes, im very non-sociale with my family
favorite sport?: dunno
are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight?: straight
been in a plane?: no
killed someone?: no
stepped in dog shit?: yes
kicked your cat for the hell of it?: no horrible
slept during class?: of course
cheated on a test?: yeah
are you bored of taking this survey?: very
what time is it now?: 6:11 pm
are you tired?: still
outfit: tshirt, pants
hairstyle: boring
jewelry: none
underwear: you dont know joe?
nail color: marker
time: 5:47pm
cut yourself: no
lick yourself: like a popsicle
whine a lot: maybe
yell a lot: nope
want to die: no
have a bf/gf: yes
do drugs: no
wear dark colors: most of the time
dye your hair: no
shave strange places: if you mean my pubic . i trim.
kissed someone: yes
gotten drunk: yes
worn rainbow socks: im a guy
talked on the phone for over 3 hours: yes
left the country: no
had a party with over 30 people: been to one, never had one
taken nude pictures: once
caught something on fire: yes
cheated on someone: no
asked someone out: yeah
been dumped: yeah
dumped someone: no
you touched: my g/f three days ago
you talked to: my g/f
you hugged: my g/f
you instant messaged: phoenixonfire27
who broke your heart: monica a g/f i had for 2 years. over with
understanding: yes
open-minded: yes
arrogant: no
insecure: of course
interesting: no
hungry: yes
smart: somethings
moody: sometimes.
childish: happens
independent: half and half
hard working: yeah
healthy: not diseased or sick but i dont eat well
shy: depends usually.
difficult: no i'm pretty east going
attractive: some days
bored easily:i could
thirsty: yes
obsessed: sure
angry: next to never
happy: only with my g/f
trusting: 100%.
talkative: fucking a if i know you
ignored: alot
reliable: yes
self-disciplined: yes
sleepy: yes
lonely: yes...
what is your birthname? kristian harper
what is your birthday?: october 9, 2004
boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
how tall are you?: 6
shoe size?: 12
brothers/sisters?: 2 each
job?: yes walmart
who is your favorite band?: profile
color?: black and blue not together.
soda?: dr. pepper
music?: variety and mood are factors
stores in the mall?: no
ice cream?: mint choclate chip
roller coaster?: yes!
candy?: troll peaches
cd?: i burn mine.
cookies?: chewy
juice?: orange and apple
holiday?: the creepy halloween one
month?: warm one
cried?: no
missed someone?: yes
yelled at someone?: no
changed your underwear?: yes
drove somewhere?: yeah
talked to someone on the phone?: yeah
been online?: yes
smiled?: yes
had sex?: no
kissed someone?: no
hugged someone?: no
last thing you ate? beef stew.
been in love?: yes
kissed someone of the same sex?: i could in a box i wouldnt with a fox.
been in trouble with the police?: no
hit someone?: yes
broke something?: yes
betrayed a friend?: no
played strip poker?: no
skipped school?: yeah
stolen something?: yes
shot a gun?: i killed a man. j/k
broken something important?: my heart
smoked weed?: yes
dyed your hair?: yes
what is sitting next to you?: a bed
do you get along with your mother?: yes, im very non-sociale with my family
favorite sport?: dunno
are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight?: straight
been in a plane?: no
killed someone?: no
stepped in dog shit?: yes
kicked your cat for the hell of it?: no horrible
slept during class?: of course
cheated on a test?: yeah
are you bored of taking this survey?: very
what time is it now?: 6:11 pm
are you tired?: still