My wonderful vacation is almost over, but I had a great summer. On monday I'll go back to university.
Again, horrible drunk festival pics from last weekend where you can see my purple hair and my new piercing. Though my hair is blonde again now, I didn't even make it 2 weeks without missing it.

Funny underaged boys I went to the supermarket with to buy beer.

Great people I spend a lot of time with, the girl is soo pretty, isn't she?

Amazing people I met and hope I will see again sometime.

These 2 guys saved me from boredom when nobody seemed to want to talk to me anymore and offered me to sleep in their tent when the girl I shared mine with occupied it with a guy.
I'm sad I won't find so much time for such adventures anymore.

Again, horrible drunk festival pics from last weekend where you can see my purple hair and my new piercing. Though my hair is blonde again now, I didn't even make it 2 weeks without missing it.

Funny underaged boys I went to the supermarket with to buy beer.

Great people I spend a lot of time with, the girl is soo pretty, isn't she?

Amazing people I met and hope I will see again sometime.

These 2 guys saved me from boredom when nobody seemed to want to talk to me anymore and offered me to sleep in their tent when the girl I shared mine with occupied it with a guy.
I'm sad I won't find so much time for such adventures anymore.
Hallchen, wir sind in zwei Wochen wieder in Kln bei allcatsaregrey. Sieht man sich?
wie schn die lila haare sind...