Hello ladies and djent (ha, metal joke, k sorry) I just wanted you to know that I decided to change my name from Quinn to Undine. Feeling much better now, somehow. Well I love love Harley and I think and act a lot like her, I just do not kill people.. YET (ok enough with the scares) but the thing is; there's already a few ladies with similar names so I thought that this would be a good thing to be done!
Anyway I woke up super early today, it was about 8:30am, I don't know why or how since I'm an ultra fat ass specially when sleeping and I like sleeping at least till 12am. I drank too much coffee two days ago to stay awake at night while watching Deliver Us From Evil (EXCELLENT HORROR MOVIE THO!) and basically I still fell asleep OF COURSE due to my awesomeness. I only lost about 10min, obviously in the most exciting part of the movie, f***. Anyway I watched it in the end ahah. Now seriously, I've been a bit worried. I can't hold myself, I always end up falling asleep like 5 times a day. If I'm in a car (not driving), if I'm waiting for someone or something, when watching movies,... I'm like an old grandma. I don't know what to do. When I was sill on high school I always ended up falling asleep in classes, sometimes I just needed to enter the classroom, sit down, cuddle myself up and I was done. I already slept in clubs. I feel horrible for this, If I drink too much coffee I get nervous, start shaking and get a bit impatient. Coffees do not prevent me from sleeping. I feel like I'm always mentally tired, I sleep a lot but since I dream and dream and have lots of nightmares and these are all super realistic it's like if I had a second life, if I couldn't be able to sleep. Ever. I don't really want to start taking pills. The only solution would be to erase my ability of dreaming. Then I could rest all night and be all fresh in the morning. I don't know.. do you girls know of any solution for this?
kiss kiss,