My life is different now, and about to get really different.
I started therapy two weeks ago. I'm so very glad I did. I have a lot to talk about. With my current therapy, my therapy is FREE, which is totally sweet. Yay NYS!
And in newest news...
I'm probably looking at an apartment (or two) tomorrow with my man. I've been living with my folks since I was born. I've been waiting for this for so long. Now we're looking, and the stars seem to be aligning given the amount of stuff that people are planning on giving us or loaning to us to help us finally make this happen (we're a well beloved couple, it seems). It's closer than ever before, but I'm afraid to hope to hard. After waiting so long, it's always far away.
If it happens, I'll be much further from most of the friends I love, but not too far. It's pretty good.
My man's best friend knows of openings at his company, at least one of which I can fill. As my frustration with my job grows and the submissions of resumes to other companies grows in tandem, this is hopefully a big chance to get out and get to something that will pay me like a person. I am quite psyched.
And in emotional news:
I didn't handle seeing old #3 again last week. Even thinking about him makes me nauseous at this point, so the challenge of not letting other people know there's something wrong while showing HIM there's still something very wrong were no help at all. It's gonna be rough. I can do this, I can.
I am quite surprised that my account hasn't expired. I was so sure it would. I'm not really planning on staying if it runs out. As you've been able to see, I've been pretty inactive for months now. With the new system, I've been looking at far less pictures, and I've had no time for groups or boards, let alone blogging. With that my continual little fantasy of someday shooting a set wanes (it depends on the day. I'm such a fucking girl).
Well, it if stays, I stay. After all, I'd miss some of you an awful lot if I disappeared.
I started therapy two weeks ago. I'm so very glad I did. I have a lot to talk about. With my current therapy, my therapy is FREE, which is totally sweet. Yay NYS!
And in newest news...
I'm probably looking at an apartment (or two) tomorrow with my man. I've been living with my folks since I was born. I've been waiting for this for so long. Now we're looking, and the stars seem to be aligning given the amount of stuff that people are planning on giving us or loaning to us to help us finally make this happen (we're a well beloved couple, it seems). It's closer than ever before, but I'm afraid to hope to hard. After waiting so long, it's always far away.
If it happens, I'll be much further from most of the friends I love, but not too far. It's pretty good.
My man's best friend knows of openings at his company, at least one of which I can fill. As my frustration with my job grows and the submissions of resumes to other companies grows in tandem, this is hopefully a big chance to get out and get to something that will pay me like a person. I am quite psyched.
And in emotional news:
I didn't handle seeing old #3 again last week. Even thinking about him makes me nauseous at this point, so the challenge of not letting other people know there's something wrong while showing HIM there's still something very wrong were no help at all. It's gonna be rough. I can do this, I can.
I am quite surprised that my account hasn't expired. I was so sure it would. I'm not really planning on staying if it runs out. As you've been able to see, I've been pretty inactive for months now. With the new system, I've been looking at far less pictures, and I've had no time for groups or boards, let alone blogging. With that my continual little fantasy of someday shooting a set wanes (it depends on the day. I'm such a fucking girl).
Well, it if stays, I stay. After all, I'd miss some of you an awful lot if I disappeared.
Moving out of your parents' house is the most exciting thing ever. Good luck!
Just wanted to leave you some