buh bye hott ass sg gurls. love
lol most likely you cncelled at the begining of a new month, oh yeah get the sg logo tattooed on your person and you get a lifetime membership fo free email me y0 tel me whatsa goin on
u know what..fuck this. im wasting money. COURTNEY LOVE SUX! ew omg fuck courtney love...hm..maybe i should make a post... eeek
Are you ok?
goin Anon "G" i dont post on the boards that much anymore and i get like 0 journal entrys cuz im lame at keepin it my brand spankin new email is
k1ngnicotine@hotmail.com talk to me thru there y0
i dunno what to write about.......ive been very eventless today.....it's been boring as hell =o\ lately ive been having an undying craving to hang out with some girls to....but now that ive moved and i have no way to get around im kind of fucked on that happening for a while...damn..i miss all ma friends....even the leeches! oh and btw "leeches" are girls who be...
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eh..it needs to stop with the whole snow thing. 2 ft is definately enough...i got bribed into doing snow removals today, i cleared out a parking lot and by the time i ate a donut and drank some tea there was already 2 inches laid up on it again. soo now its movie & munchie time untill this shit clears up..woot woot!
nothing else really...
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you know ill be calling you mikey from now on hahahahahaha
yeah ill let you know when i go for my ged
when i get job ill probably just buy here a years membership, she is bi so its all peachy y0
damn the man!
my roomate/boss asked me to go to work today.....obviously i said no out of stupidity and sleepyness. I need to get some saved up cash so bad! But yet my brain dosent seem to function when im half asleep. Anyways, the day kicked ass i got pletny of sleep, some wicked killer ass dreams, time to organize my room finally and just...
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awww well you can meet me! im not stupid, or mean! but anyway um, i was going to tell you thanks for the comment and for putting me in your faves =) you rule
damn the man!
my roomate/boss asked me to go to work today.....obviously i said no out of stupidity and sleepyness. I need to get some saved up cash so bad! But yet my brain dosent seem to function when im half asleep. Anyways, the day kicked ass i got pletny of sleep, some wicked killer ass dreams, time to organize my room finally and just...
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today sucked so much, i drank to much last night and now my head hurts.....i dunno...i think its called a hangover. but i never get those......... never!*sarcasim fills my room* why does everything have to be so damn complicated????? it took me 4 fucking hours on the phone just to get a phone turned on. thats bullshit. nothing should take that long or be so...
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hey, just wanted to say hi and thanks for adding me to your favorites!! you seem really nice...
have no fear 6 months we'll have the house, even if wolf man isnt ready with my job @comcast we should be able to swing the bills no prob
yeah tell me about it...ive moved about every year of my life i know how it is. oh and comcast will be comming out with a phone service too so you wont have to be on the phone for 4 hours to get it turned on...plus we'll get it for freee muahahahahahahaha
along wit digi cable and modem so thats what 3 bills out of the way already...am i good or wht...im good :} when we all get some scratch together we should meet up at the club in Pasedena
i worked alot & chilled with ma homies this evening......so not every thing is bad. see you around. whatever
what happened to ya tonight, we had mad food and ended up playing video games when we realized the game was going to be a slaughter instead of a game
did you move already...if you didnt you need to stop by "G"
so...im packing my shit to move, AGAIN 4th time in 3 yrs....life is starting to suck even more as every year goe's by. fuck fuck fuck..i dont wanna grow up cuz ima toys R' us kid, theres so many toys..blah blah... fuck work, fuck moving, fuck finacial shit, and fuck the world....and oh yeah..since i wont be on here again for a long time >....FUCK...
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no fuck you!
why dont you just invest in a years membership so you can stick around after you move
update fawlker
i am soooooo bored frown