Holy Shit!!! It's warm in Colorado! Must go out to the wilderness and run with my dog!
So I got a couple tattoos, I got both of them on the back of my arms just above the elbows, one of a Pentacle and the Other the Rebel Alliance Symbol. I also have put down $200 bones so far for my Half Sleeve on my left leg, its gonna be pirate/underwater grave theme, Im excited.
Also is anyone else excited about this years Warped Tour?
So I got a couple tattoos, I got both of them on the back of my arms just above the elbows, one of a Pentacle and the Other the Rebel Alliance Symbol. I also have put down $200 bones so far for my Half Sleeve on my left leg, its gonna be pirate/underwater grave theme, Im excited.
Also is anyone else excited about this years Warped Tour?
my brother has the rebel alliance on his arm. its kinda bad-ass.