I'm nervous and fuck... mostly because like... im definetly not going to get enuff sleep b4 then.. cuz if i went to sleep now.. id get 3 1/2 hours.
Me and my mom got into a fight on the phone when i was out wiht my friends about how i should come home early and stuff.. well it was a big mess... it ended at me saying "FUCK YOU" and then my throwing my phone onto the ground.
I was supposed to hang out with MagicNinja today.. but... right when he was about to meet up wiht him.. his parents like... caught him.. and his found his stash. shit.
so yeah i drove around the mall for like a hour and then went inside to look for him.. so.. then i got sad and gave up...
After that i went to eat dinner @ Village Inne with Yessica-Cheese-On-Boob.. and then like 15 minutes later... Rosie, Cricket, Paul, (his girl) Stephanie, and the 2 mikes show up.
There wasnt enuff room for them at our booth so they got a table and we stayed in the booth and talked and they all assumed we were talking about them and stuff... so a little bit later they went to elave to go to a park (and b4 they left Cricket hugged me and kissed me on the head)
a got a call a little while later... they told me to hurry up cuz they had Cricket duct taped to a pole........ fantastic. so i went down there.. and i was supposed to go to Asphyxiia's to do her hair.. then i got caught up and shit.. and she got mad at me.. and told me some internet dude i intoduced her too was coming over and then i get frustrated. so then everyone like started leaving the park and shit... and then i didnt know where anyone was going and no one told me.. even tho like they thought they did... so i got pissed.. and i went to Asphyxiia's anyways cuz she was mad at me.. and i ..UGH but then i went there... and then a little bit later Rosie called and said they all went to drop Paul's girl off in rock island..so she had no where to go.. so she came over to Asphyxiia's and then on the phone Rosie asked me if i would ask her out for her cuz she was shy and scared of rejection.. but then i was like "you need to ask her herself if you like her that much" . so then paul called.. and we were going down to the levey to hang out.. so we all met up there ....and on the way Rosie did ask Asphyxiia out.. and well they are an ITEM now.
Down at the levey we were fucking around and shit by the water.. it got really chilly outside.. and Cricket let me wear his trench coat
i dunno if i can pull a trench off tho... i probobly looked like a freak.. but i felt like Tommy Lee and kept wanting to be naked under it so i could flash people.
I met up with 2 friends from the past Kenny and Megan (megan is preggers... shes due in may)
then later on (since Asphyxiia never hung out with the online dude) she kept calling me phone to talk to her until he met up with us down at the levey.. but he showed up as we were leaving.. she got into his green mustang with him and they were talking .. i only got a glimpse oh him...then we went to Ross's and i stayed out til like 2...
i wish that ..i dunno..... i wish i was skinny
I'm nervous and fuck... mostly because like... im definetly not going to get enuff sleep b4 then.. cuz if i went to sleep now.. id get 3 1/2 hours.
Me and my mom got into a fight on the phone when i was out wiht my friends about how i should come home early and stuff.. well it was a big mess... it ended at me saying "FUCK YOU" and then my throwing my phone onto the ground.
I was supposed to hang out with MagicNinja today.. but... right when he was about to meet up wiht him.. his parents like... caught him.. and his found his stash. shit.
so yeah i drove around the mall for like a hour and then went inside to look for him.. so.. then i got sad and gave up...
After that i went to eat dinner @ Village Inne with Yessica-Cheese-On-Boob.. and then like 15 minutes later... Rosie, Cricket, Paul, (his girl) Stephanie, and the 2 mikes show up.
There wasnt enuff room for them at our booth so they got a table and we stayed in the booth and talked and they all assumed we were talking about them and stuff... so a little bit later they went to elave to go to a park (and b4 they left Cricket hugged me and kissed me on the head)
a got a call a little while later... they told me to hurry up cuz they had Cricket duct taped to a pole........ fantastic. so i went down there.. and i was supposed to go to Asphyxiia's to do her hair.. then i got caught up and shit.. and she got mad at me.. and told me some internet dude i intoduced her too was coming over and then i get frustrated. so then everyone like started leaving the park and shit... and then i didnt know where anyone was going and no one told me.. even tho like they thought they did... so i got pissed.. and i went to Asphyxiia's anyways cuz she was mad at me.. and i ..UGH but then i went there... and then a little bit later Rosie called and said they all went to drop Paul's girl off in rock island..so she had no where to go.. so she came over to Asphyxiia's and then on the phone Rosie asked me if i would ask her out for her cuz she was shy and scared of rejection.. but then i was like "you need to ask her herself if you like her that much" . so then paul called.. and we were going down to the levey to hang out.. so we all met up there ....and on the way Rosie did ask Asphyxiia out.. and well they are an ITEM now.
Down at the levey we were fucking around and shit by the water.. it got really chilly outside.. and Cricket let me wear his trench coat

I met up with 2 friends from the past Kenny and Megan (megan is preggers... shes due in may)
then later on (since Asphyxiia never hung out with the online dude) she kept calling me phone to talk to her until he met up with us down at the levey.. but he showed up as we were leaving.. she got into his green mustang with him and they were talking .. i only got a glimpse oh him...then we went to Ross's and i stayed out til like 2...
i wish that ..i dunno..... i wish i was skinny
i'm glad you're not skinny...i like you luscious and lickable 

me too.... come back.. i see u in "real life" but dammit girl.. gotta update more... i know school is a pain ... but im sure everyone on here misses you... and i do too.... even in our real life.... shit im getting sappy cuz im leaving the state ... i still love you hun..