I CANT wait until i get that paper saying that its time for the 10 yr high school reunion and they want to know what i have done since then.. and they ask my occupation and i write down "crack whore".
i helped dye LuciaFurr;s hair tonite..its gonna be like, burgundy/redish/purplish, with a black chunk in it......
i feel horrid because Travis' girlfriend dumped him tonite.... and he was really really upset stuff.. and shaking... and i was TRYING to comfort him and stuff... and i'm like "i know EXACTLY how you feel Travis.... for the last 3 months i have been feeling the same way... not sure wether or not you want to live or die.... you dont know what to do with yourself because you dont know if its worth living if you have to live with pain in your heart..."
I told him in the last month that the only entries in here where there have been somthing positive is when i was writing about the times we shared together.....
i told him nothings his fault and that hes perfect...its her fucking loss.....
im not good at helping people.. i cant even help myself half the fucking time....
i seriously want to like... OWN Alex_L_Amour... he....so fucking hot.... who wants to help me out with a plane ticket to Italy???? anyone ??? ....comon....
current crushes as of now
1. LuciaFurr
2. Code_caducus
3. Burning_In_H20
4. Stab_Twist_Pull
5. Alex_L_Amour
(i didnt forget you... --> I LOVE YOU TOO BASHTHEBISH..a-duh)
apparently bloodmilksky came into my work the other day and saw me.. but didnt say anything.. and she emailed me and goes "yeah i was in Sally the other day.. and i think i saw you working".... i would be imbarressed to go up to somone and be like "hey i think i know you from your weird sexual photographs and on internet pay site" ....then again... lmfao.
eh... i keep thinking about Travis.. last nite i was over there and stuff.. and he was really hungry and the gang went out to Ross's (this 24 hour resturant thing) and Travis didnt have money to get food... it makes me sad when people are hung and i'm fat and stuff.. and it looks like i eat too much.. and they have nothing....
.....i bet thats how Sally Strothers felt when she was doing those commercials over in like Ethiopia for like that "for just 70 cents a day you can sponcer this child...blah blah".. or whereever she was... and she was all large and the kids were skeletol and shit...
... anyways.. i think im going to go gracery shopping tomarrow(err later today)... and drop it all off in a box on Travis' porch.. with like food/drink in it for him..... and then like.... dont tell him it was me. i dont want him to feel like a charity case or somthing.
LuciaFurr met little 5'5 good-weed-boy-Brian today. they were bonding cuz they are both really short, soo they got along.. she thought he was adorable and stuff. .. i felt like i was in munchkin city.... eh..
i really need to go to bed earlier.... but like.. i dont get home til after like 3 most nites.. and i HAVE to come to the site to see what nice things ppl say to me..... and i just feel like i NEED to leave everyone on my friend list a message,, cuz theres not use i having them their if u dont comment and talk to them...
******************************************BUT I JUST WANNA APPOLIGISE TO EVERYONE WHO I DONT GET TO COMMENT/TALK TO EVERYNITE. I LOVE YA ALL FOR BEING MY BUDDY'S ON HERE. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I NEED YOU FOR SOME KINDA OF LIFE SUPPORT.. (sorry i'm getting all emo on you) i feel like im part of a family here or somthing... eh ************************************************
- <3 Alkatraz
i helped dye LuciaFurr;s hair tonite..its gonna be like, burgundy/redish/purplish, with a black chunk in it......
i feel horrid because Travis' girlfriend dumped him tonite.... and he was really really upset stuff.. and shaking... and i was TRYING to comfort him and stuff... and i'm like "i know EXACTLY how you feel Travis.... for the last 3 months i have been feeling the same way... not sure wether or not you want to live or die.... you dont know what to do with yourself because you dont know if its worth living if you have to live with pain in your heart..."
I told him in the last month that the only entries in here where there have been somthing positive is when i was writing about the times we shared together.....
i told him nothings his fault and that hes perfect...its her fucking loss.....
im not good at helping people.. i cant even help myself half the fucking time....
i seriously want to like... OWN Alex_L_Amour... he....so fucking hot.... who wants to help me out with a plane ticket to Italy???? anyone ??? ....comon....
current crushes as of now
1. LuciaFurr
2. Code_caducus
3. Burning_In_H20
4. Stab_Twist_Pull
5. Alex_L_Amour
(i didnt forget you... --> I LOVE YOU TOO BASHTHEBISH..a-duh)
apparently bloodmilksky came into my work the other day and saw me.. but didnt say anything.. and she emailed me and goes "yeah i was in Sally the other day.. and i think i saw you working".... i would be imbarressed to go up to somone and be like "hey i think i know you from your weird sexual photographs and on internet pay site" ....then again... lmfao.
eh... i keep thinking about Travis.. last nite i was over there and stuff.. and he was really hungry and the gang went out to Ross's (this 24 hour resturant thing) and Travis didnt have money to get food... it makes me sad when people are hung and i'm fat and stuff.. and it looks like i eat too much.. and they have nothing....
.....i bet thats how Sally Strothers felt when she was doing those commercials over in like Ethiopia for like that "for just 70 cents a day you can sponcer this child...blah blah".. or whereever she was... and she was all large and the kids were skeletol and shit...
... anyways.. i think im going to go gracery shopping tomarrow(err later today)... and drop it all off in a box on Travis' porch.. with like food/drink in it for him..... and then like.... dont tell him it was me. i dont want him to feel like a charity case or somthing.
LuciaFurr met little 5'5 good-weed-boy-Brian today. they were bonding cuz they are both really short, soo they got along.. she thought he was adorable and stuff. .. i felt like i was in munchkin city.... eh..
i really need to go to bed earlier.... but like.. i dont get home til after like 3 most nites.. and i HAVE to come to the site to see what nice things ppl say to me..... and i just feel like i NEED to leave everyone on my friend list a message,, cuz theres not use i having them their if u dont comment and talk to them...
******************************************BUT I JUST WANNA APPOLIGISE TO EVERYONE WHO I DONT GET TO COMMENT/TALK TO EVERYNITE. I LOVE YA ALL FOR BEING MY BUDDY'S ON HERE. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I NEED YOU FOR SOME KINDA OF LIFE SUPPORT.. (sorry i'm getting all emo on you) i feel like im part of a family here or somthing... eh ************************************************
- <3 Alkatraz

SIXTH WAIT TILL I GET MY HAIR TRANSPLANT AND A AGE REDUCTION THERAPY!.ALEX AMOUR HUH!.Only jokin babe have a great weekend your journals rule big up the gruesome twosome!.bash!
awww...i didn't make the crush list. LOL...