Tonite drunk....that montana moving guy..i was at my friend joe's and we got drunk..and he insisted that he drive my i let him..and he was driving funny and swerving so i really wanted to i kept begging him telling him that i would do anything if he would let me drive..cuz u knew i could i started crying cuz he wouldnt..and he said "your starting to scare me"..then i said "please stop the car" and he did..and i put the car into park and pulled the keyes out.. then he got out of the car and started walking away.. and i started crying harder and i told him to get in the car so i could drive him home and he just yelled at me to go home..over and over again.. so i turned arond and starting cring harder and i couldnt see i was out in the middle of no where and didnt know where to go or what to do... sop i kept driving until i found a road with stop lights and finally found where i was a wnet home... but i was so drunk on the way home i pissed myself in the car....
i just long to die

Thanks for saying hi Kinky