What a night... WELLLLLLLL.. the guy that is moving to Montana called me today... and appoligised for being a douche to me.. we hung out and watched 28 Days Later in my room, i got really cold, and got a blanket, and he held me to keep me warm... then he touched my face and brought his to mine and it was the friskiest, wettest, tonguiest make out session ever! it was JUST how i love to be kissed!! OMG.. then he got heavy, he was rubbing my breasts and strattled me (clothed) and just grinded against me....he arms and body were shaking, and he let out a few moans, and just kissed me harder... then...he orgasmed .. and layed against me... kissing my nose and lips, and forehead... then after a lil bit.. he fell asleep in my arms while i was holding his hand...... I dont want him to move
im getting THAT feeling in my tummy from him too..... oh no..

=-> Alecks
ps 28 days later is a perfect movie to make out... because its awful and shouldnt be watched