Today i was supposed to go on this blinde date thing with this guy named Kyle. I met up with him at the mall, i have NO idea he was black, so i was surprised cuz he didnt sound like the sterotypical black fella, Then i told him i needed to go to Toys R Us to get my 50$ paycheck.. and he fallowed me into the parking lot, and i was sitting there talking to somone i worked with about him, and i was getting kinda creeped out, cus last nite, he was talking about him getting erections and humping on me, and how sex with him, i wouldnt know what to do cuz ide love it sooooo much, and i was getting scared cuz ...what if he molests me??? he wanted me to do into his car, and to his house so he could, "hold me" he said... but i know exactly what that means.. hes gonna try to get down my pants.. ugh.. so.. i had one of my friends who i work with walk me to my car... and hug me, then i got into my car, and drove as fast as i could away...... then i went to Maiden Voyage (a tattoo parlor i love) and about 3 hours ago, i got my 4th and 5th tattoos! (Stitches around each ankle, so it looks like my feet are sewn on) it tingled when she got to the back of my ankle, i just bit a hole in my sleeve!! hehe, good reliever of stress, i must admit. I see it this way.. i can either but cutting my my skin, or have somone else do it, but in a more creative way.

Not cool about the potential molester, but cool tattoos. Getting new tattoos is always so refreshing. Dude! Your grandma has an english accent?? SO DOES MINE!!! How cool! Aren't they funny? English grandmas are funny.