Back in Blonde
Hello!!! an anonymus friend just redeemed my account
which totally made my week, so heres the story so far of my days away.
First, a dramatic career change, I dont know how it happened, exactly, but my band split up, and now Im working for Cisco Systems O.o I dont know how I went from touring and reading fortunes to strangers (that was like my "backup" job) to monitoring shared support engineers, the cool things is there arent many girls there, and lots of boys (I love boys), so when Im too dumb to do my own job, someone always assists me (on my first day, my boss asked me the name of the computer they had assigned to me and I said "Lucy?") and I have fun (surprisingly!)
Then I got bored with my black hair (which was still brownish in my pictures, but I had had it black for a while) and I dyed it blonde, then it seemed too lame so I added some pink (yeah, I bet you were all wondering about my hair, but I have to write it, because otherwise the title to my blog seems nonsense)
Then I picked up another abandoned kitty and hes biting my face right now, so I might leave this blog entrance for some other day and feed him, if he finishes eating my chin I couldnt even blame him for cannibalism...
Im happy to be back here, Ive missed everyone here like crazy

And I dont have any pictures in this computer, except for this really old one of me kicking a football statue hehe

Hello!!! an anonymus friend just redeemed my account

First, a dramatic career change, I dont know how it happened, exactly, but my band split up, and now Im working for Cisco Systems O.o I dont know how I went from touring and reading fortunes to strangers (that was like my "backup" job) to monitoring shared support engineers, the cool things is there arent many girls there, and lots of boys (I love boys), so when Im too dumb to do my own job, someone always assists me (on my first day, my boss asked me the name of the computer they had assigned to me and I said "Lucy?") and I have fun (surprisingly!)
Then I got bored with my black hair (which was still brownish in my pictures, but I had had it black for a while) and I dyed it blonde, then it seemed too lame so I added some pink (yeah, I bet you were all wondering about my hair, but I have to write it, because otherwise the title to my blog seems nonsense)
Then I picked up another abandoned kitty and hes biting my face right now, so I might leave this blog entrance for some other day and feed him, if he finishes eating my chin I couldnt even blame him for cannibalism...
Im happy to be back here, Ive missed everyone here like crazy

And I dont have any pictures in this computer, except for this really old one of me kicking a football statue hehe

Welcome back!!! 

Aun entras por aqui? queremos novcedades tuyas jeje un abrazo!