And this swine flu crap pulled another bad joke on me, I went to the doctor to make sure my random flu was not a trendy flu, you know, just being precautious (does that word even exist??) and got a bad prescription, bad medicine and almost got killed by medicine -.-. This is fun, on one hand, I wish I lived in the US because this could become a sue to pay for a house, a car and a new wardrobe, but on the other hand, if I this had happened there, I might be dead by now.., although us mexicans are expert complainers, we have a great health system, it takes one person per family to work to have ensurance which includes pretty much everything you need. We complain because workers are not as kind to us as they should... so either I'm glad I'm healthy enough now or I got a little traumatized by that Michael Moore's documentary on health care...
I'm really glad u're fine!! ^^
Kisses N' Hugz!! ^^ lotz!!
and.. miss finding u online in msgr =P