Hating the good boy
So I got the good boy in my backseat. Now we've been together for about 6 months, Today it was his birthday and I wanted to do something nice because he complains about how all of his birthdays have sucked so forth, during a very nice dinner, we were having a conversation in which he ended up mentioning how much he hates the fact that I once had a set up in Suicide Girls and am still an active member of the site (and how much I enjoy it). He knew it from the day he met me and he mentioned it tonight.
I got a little pissed and we argued, we're ok now, but his birthday kinda sucked again...
I'm still a bit mad a ti him, but I really can't tell him that right?? "Remember how your birthday wasn't so bad in the end?? well it actually was, I was kind of hating you" ... not likely.
Now he's still kind of pissed because I'm still on the site, and although my set wasn't even up when I met him, he can't stand the fact that some dude, somewhere has naked pictures of me. He mentioned how traditional his family is (it turns out the guy I consider a good boy is his family's black sheep... I don't even want to imagine...) and how much he'd hate it if they found out and they happened to be rude at me at some point. So the while he was mentioning his reasons to disapprove my participation on SG, he happened to mention how he grew up to believe sets like those were for prostitutes, and more apalling than that, he said he couldn't believe I wanted that kind of attention THAT BAD. He took it back.
It's the first time something that makes me so happy also makes me feel bad... I no longer want him in my backseat for a while...
I miss the buys who thought this was the coolest think I had done in months.
So I got the good boy in my backseat. Now we've been together for about 6 months, Today it was his birthday and I wanted to do something nice because he complains about how all of his birthdays have sucked so forth, during a very nice dinner, we were having a conversation in which he ended up mentioning how much he hates the fact that I once had a set up in Suicide Girls and am still an active member of the site (and how much I enjoy it). He knew it from the day he met me and he mentioned it tonight.
I got a little pissed and we argued, we're ok now, but his birthday kinda sucked again...
I'm still a bit mad a ti him, but I really can't tell him that right?? "Remember how your birthday wasn't so bad in the end?? well it actually was, I was kind of hating you" ... not likely.
Now he's still kind of pissed because I'm still on the site, and although my set wasn't even up when I met him, he can't stand the fact that some dude, somewhere has naked pictures of me. He mentioned how traditional his family is (it turns out the guy I consider a good boy is his family's black sheep... I don't even want to imagine...) and how much he'd hate it if they found out and they happened to be rude at me at some point. So the while he was mentioning his reasons to disapprove my participation on SG, he happened to mention how he grew up to believe sets like those were for prostitutes, and more apalling than that, he said he couldn't believe I wanted that kind of attention THAT BAD. He took it back.
It's the first time something that makes me so happy also makes me feel bad... I no longer want him in my backseat for a while...
I miss the buys who thought this was the coolest think I had done in months.

Happy b-day baby 

feliz cumple pasalo cool mucho pisto y punk rock hahahah un abrazo y si haces party invita hahahha