
What is Life?

Is it A Feeling?

Is it an object?

Is it A Punishment?,

or is it someone's idea of a sick game?

Are We Put on a Pedestal Every Day so Someone Else Can Chose our Demise?

Like A Game of Chess, One wrong move can be your last.

Sometimes I Don't understand it.

Why Are We created?

Just so We can...
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lol my In Transit set wasn't shot on Septa. That was shot on the MTA in NYC.
Mistakes And Regrets

Mistakes and regrets seem to go hand in hand. Everyone has made mistakes whether they want to admit it or not. And with those mistakes, come regrets. Yet it's just a part of life, Right? And before we die we'll make hundreds, maybe thousands of mistakes that we'll regret. These are things that just happen. I've made plenty of mistakes in my...
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