I see that they're now "followers only" but we don't approve followers, anyone can follow, yes?
I already feel like I will be around a lot less since the site change because I find it genuinely confusing. I've been a member for almost 10 years and this may just be too much. I'm sure it's amazing to all the newbies but for everyone else... is anyone else feeling as weird about it all as I am? Maybe it will just take time but the the fact that the privacy and intimacy of it all has been compromised really bothers me, Especially since I have people from my past that refuse to quit lurking me on here and I think it's time for me to quit giving them the insight into my life that they want.
I'll be around for my groups and such for now. Just thinking out loud.
There ARE some really cool things happening in my personal life right now that could mean big changes so... I'm doing good.
If you want actual updates on me, follow me on instagram or twitter @AlkalineSuicide