Been a minute since I posted. Feeling pretty great about life to be honest, but I always have to try to stay grounded and know that things could fall apart any minute. I always stay prepared for the worst, even when everything feels ok.
I just started working a second job which is a big deal since I've been working just part time for over a year now. I am so poor that I haven't seen much of a financial future for myself. I often have $10 or less the day before pay day and I'm hoping I can make this work and get in all the hours possible between the two. It's already been a bit of a struggle trying to make a schedule work between the two but its really important that I am able to keep them both. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up but being able to pay all my bills and hopefully RENT one day soon is a goal I absolutely NEED to reach. Fingers crossed!
I've spent the last 6 weeks eating healthier than I ever have in my 27 years and exercising which I have never really done at all. I will struggle with my weight and body image for the rest of my life, but for the first time I FEEL healthy and that's really important, I think. Even times that I have lost weight in the past, it hasn't even been close to being done in a healthy way and though I end up thinner, I always feel awful. So I'm trying really hard to better myself physically and mentally. This time last year, I was at least 20lbs heavier than I am now and I had really given up on having any kind of real future. Now I have hope for my life and I'm excited that I'm finally doing things the right way.
I got to be a part of a really cool photo shoot for Aadie and Jack of all trades Clothing yesterday. I was joined by Cruella, Glitch, Peatrie, and my new girl crush Chevvy along with a gang of other babes. It was a really fun time. It's been so hard and rare the last few years to get me out of the house for things like that and I'm so glad I did. I miss those girls and it was wonderful to see their beautiful faces. Here's a group shot from the day; can't wait to see the others!

And me after the shoot:

The shirt I got to wear (and keep) was fucking fabulous! I'm so excited to wear it all summer:

Since my last blog, I saw Iron Man 3 and Star Trek 2 in theaters. Both were AMAZING... I actually shed a single tear during Star Trek
I also finally pirated American Netflix and let me tell you, I haven't stopped finding things to watch. I watched Safety Not Guaranteed a few days ago, which I had never heard of and I really enjoyed it.
I'm also now 4 episodes into the new Arrested Development and I'm stoked to finish it! So good!!
I got a new tattoo that has pretty much just made my LIFE!

It's faded a bit now and needs a touch up
But it will always be one of my favorites. 
Ummm.... that's about all that's new for now.
Follow me all over the place:
Instagram and Twitter - @AlkalineSuicide
And go like the facebook page of the man I love's radio show to keep up on new music, movies, and a lot of randomness from him. He is hilarious and well spoken and can always use the support of people who give a shit about stuff.
The Barley Show
Here's ZombieCat for you:
(Check him out on instagram at #DailyZombieCat)

We tried to CatBeard on the request of KingSize haha

Hope life is beautiful for everyone. I know I owe some of you hangouts and/or packages (that I was supposed to send out forever ago and then I got broke) But I promise all of this is coming.
Love you guys.
I just started working a second job which is a big deal since I've been working just part time for over a year now. I am so poor that I haven't seen much of a financial future for myself. I often have $10 or less the day before pay day and I'm hoping I can make this work and get in all the hours possible between the two. It's already been a bit of a struggle trying to make a schedule work between the two but its really important that I am able to keep them both. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up but being able to pay all my bills and hopefully RENT one day soon is a goal I absolutely NEED to reach. Fingers crossed!
I've spent the last 6 weeks eating healthier than I ever have in my 27 years and exercising which I have never really done at all. I will struggle with my weight and body image for the rest of my life, but for the first time I FEEL healthy and that's really important, I think. Even times that I have lost weight in the past, it hasn't even been close to being done in a healthy way and though I end up thinner, I always feel awful. So I'm trying really hard to better myself physically and mentally. This time last year, I was at least 20lbs heavier than I am now and I had really given up on having any kind of real future. Now I have hope for my life and I'm excited that I'm finally doing things the right way.
I got to be a part of a really cool photo shoot for Aadie and Jack of all trades Clothing yesterday. I was joined by Cruella, Glitch, Peatrie, and my new girl crush Chevvy along with a gang of other babes. It was a really fun time. It's been so hard and rare the last few years to get me out of the house for things like that and I'm so glad I did. I miss those girls and it was wonderful to see their beautiful faces. Here's a group shot from the day; can't wait to see the others!

And me after the shoot:

The shirt I got to wear (and keep) was fucking fabulous! I'm so excited to wear it all summer:

Since my last blog, I saw Iron Man 3 and Star Trek 2 in theaters. Both were AMAZING... I actually shed a single tear during Star Trek

I also finally pirated American Netflix and let me tell you, I haven't stopped finding things to watch. I watched Safety Not Guaranteed a few days ago, which I had never heard of and I really enjoyed it.
I'm also now 4 episodes into the new Arrested Development and I'm stoked to finish it! So good!!
I got a new tattoo that has pretty much just made my LIFE!

It's faded a bit now and needs a touch up

Ummm.... that's about all that's new for now.
Follow me all over the place:
Instagram and Twitter - @AlkalineSuicide
And go like the facebook page of the man I love's radio show to keep up on new music, movies, and a lot of randomness from him. He is hilarious and well spoken and can always use the support of people who give a shit about stuff.

The Barley Show
Here's ZombieCat for you:
(Check him out on instagram at #DailyZombieCat)

We tried to CatBeard on the request of KingSize haha

Hope life is beautiful for everyone. I know I owe some of you hangouts and/or packages (that I was supposed to send out forever ago and then I got broke) But I promise all of this is coming.
Love you guys.

That settles it, i'm doing it. Just gotta decide what to get now...
I like yooooooou!