I feel like I've had such depressing blogs lately. Lets talk about the good things in my life:
My ex finally got his divorce papers and says they were put in the mail yesterday. So I SHOULD have them by next week and have them off to court. Not really sure how long the next process takes but once it's done, my divorce will be granted and I'll be freeeeee!! I was REALLY worried for a while that he was gonna fuck me over and say he didn't get the papers - or wait weeks to mail them back. So for once, he may have actually done something for me. Once I'm legitimately divorced, I can actually start looking into starting an application to get me to the states to be with the man I'm SUPPOSED to be with. Even though that'll be more stress/waiting, I'm SO excited to at least be able to say it's begun.
I haven't found a place to live yet, which has me a little worried. BUT my roommate just brought me a bunch of boxes so I can finally start packing. I was literally worried that I'd end up un-packed with no where to live at the end of the month. I still might not have anywhere to go.... but at least I'll be packed up!
Lastly, this is gonna make me sound like the crazy cat lady that I am but seriously guys, I don't know what I would do without my cats. They are all I have when I'm not with Anthony and they seriously give me a reason to get out of bed every morning. I just feel like everything would feel so much worse if I didn't have them to cuddle me when I'm sad and deal with my insanity. They make me smile and laugh on a daily basis - something I really need these days. Chief Wiggum is seriously the first thing that I EVER really truly loved and I feel like I've learned a lot from my relationship with him and Zombie. This will sound nuts to anyone without a cat haha but they really save me.
So.... life continues as it does. I have NO idea what the next... year or so of my life is going to be like. Its an adventure alright, and I guess that's what I came out here looking for.
Here's some stumbles - I really like these ones for some reason.
My ex finally got his divorce papers and says they were put in the mail yesterday. So I SHOULD have them by next week and have them off to court. Not really sure how long the next process takes but once it's done, my divorce will be granted and I'll be freeeeee!! I was REALLY worried for a while that he was gonna fuck me over and say he didn't get the papers - or wait weeks to mail them back. So for once, he may have actually done something for me. Once I'm legitimately divorced, I can actually start looking into starting an application to get me to the states to be with the man I'm SUPPOSED to be with. Even though that'll be more stress/waiting, I'm SO excited to at least be able to say it's begun.

I haven't found a place to live yet, which has me a little worried. BUT my roommate just brought me a bunch of boxes so I can finally start packing. I was literally worried that I'd end up un-packed with no where to live at the end of the month. I still might not have anywhere to go.... but at least I'll be packed up!

Lastly, this is gonna make me sound like the crazy cat lady that I am but seriously guys, I don't know what I would do without my cats. They are all I have when I'm not with Anthony and they seriously give me a reason to get out of bed every morning. I just feel like everything would feel so much worse if I didn't have them to cuddle me when I'm sad and deal with my insanity. They make me smile and laugh on a daily basis - something I really need these days. Chief Wiggum is seriously the first thing that I EVER really truly loved and I feel like I've learned a lot from my relationship with him and Zombie. This will sound nuts to anyone without a cat haha but they really save me.

So.... life continues as it does. I have NO idea what the next... year or so of my life is going to be like. Its an adventure alright, and I guess that's what I came out here looking for.
Here's some stumbles - I really like these ones for some reason.
thats all for today guys.
I miss yours more. Your coming to visit soon right???
As in, your engaged? Or you just hope to be soon? Can I be your best man?