Thank you to everyone who made me smile on my last blog - I was having a really hard time and every comment meant a lot. Things are a little brighter now, though Im still feeling heavily stressed about things, but I know I'll be ok. I always am.
Everything Im going through right now will make me stronger in the end and though knowing that doesn't make it any easier, it makes it mean something. "Embrace this joy, this pain"-Tiger Army.... theres got to be a point of understanding and accepting the pain in your life as just another step to who you're supposed to be. Things happen for a reason. I'm not going to get into what I believe spiritually, but I do believe that we chose the life we live. And the struggles we go through are lessons that we have to learn to get to the place we're supposed to be in the end.
It took a pretty serious panic attack the other night for me to calm myself down and put things in perspective. This have been FAR worse for me in life at times when I DID have my family/friends/home/job all in order and I lived through all of that. This was supposed to be an adventure - and that it will be. Adventures aren't always perfect, right?
Here in Toronto, I do have one good friend. She just signed up for the site, as well! So, go friend Harlequinne because she has taken over the role of savior here and Im so grateful to have her. I really don't know that I would be ok if I didn't have her in my life - her and her boyfriend have been my family here. I'm so lucky to have found them. (I love you, girl. Thank you for everything)
Im actually going to see her tonight - we will be filming our first youtube episode of drunken shenanigans. It's drunk baking tonight - and it's gonna be awesome.

Yeah, we're pretty frikkin adorable.
Thats all for now - going to get ready for my date with Harlequinne. Be sure to go say hi to her.

Everything Im going through right now will make me stronger in the end and though knowing that doesn't make it any easier, it makes it mean something. "Embrace this joy, this pain"-Tiger Army.... theres got to be a point of understanding and accepting the pain in your life as just another step to who you're supposed to be. Things happen for a reason. I'm not going to get into what I believe spiritually, but I do believe that we chose the life we live. And the struggles we go through are lessons that we have to learn to get to the place we're supposed to be in the end.
It took a pretty serious panic attack the other night for me to calm myself down and put things in perspective. This have been FAR worse for me in life at times when I DID have my family/friends/home/job all in order and I lived through all of that. This was supposed to be an adventure - and that it will be. Adventures aren't always perfect, right?
Here in Toronto, I do have one good friend. She just signed up for the site, as well! So, go friend Harlequinne because she has taken over the role of savior here and Im so grateful to have her. I really don't know that I would be ok if I didn't have her in my life - her and her boyfriend have been my family here. I'm so lucky to have found them. (I love you, girl. Thank you for everything)
Im actually going to see her tonight - we will be filming our first youtube episode of drunken shenanigans. It's drunk baking tonight - and it's gonna be awesome.

Yeah, we're pretty frikkin adorable.
Thats all for now - going to get ready for my date with Harlequinne. Be sure to go say hi to her.

eeezz all fancey
Glad your friend joined you here too.