I got a text from my ex husband today.... always kind of awkward. We have only talked a handful of times since we split up (about 7 months ago). I try not to talk to him often or at least not to be super friendly when we talk because he always seems to get the impression that I just need time away from him and that one day I'll wake up and realize I want to be with him (he said all this in an email once). This will never happen, I have more than moved on and as soon as I can get the divorce done for good, I'm hoping it will have really sunk in for him.
Anyways, he hasn't worked in almost a year and I was left paying off our debt. So today he says he got a job, and SWEARS he'll start sending me money next month. He's going to stay with his mom therefore I know he won't be paying rent so he'd better be serious. I have almost $3000 debt from our marriage so cutting that down by half would really help me out. I don't have much faith in his honesty though, so we'll see what happens there.
Just got out of the best bath EVER. I don't really take baths often because I feel like I'm wasting time - like there's always something more productive I should be doing. BUt it was so beautiful outside today, I took a walk to the store, picked up some epsom salts and has a long soak. My muscles are all twitchy - happens for some reason with epsom salts but I feel a lot more relaxed!
A few shots:

Aaaannnd Ive tried to capture this on camera before but it never works. This time it did!! My weird non pigmented birth mark. You can only see it when Im tanned or red from hot water. Normally it just blends into my paleness!
(its a few inches below my belly button) weird thing.
you guys have anything weird on your body? birth marks, etc??
I was born with a huge ass strawberry birthmark in the middle of my forehead. Thank GOD it went away as a baby!!
Hope everyones day is going well!!!!
Anyways, he hasn't worked in almost a year and I was left paying off our debt. So today he says he got a job, and SWEARS he'll start sending me money next month. He's going to stay with his mom therefore I know he won't be paying rent so he'd better be serious. I have almost $3000 debt from our marriage so cutting that down by half would really help me out. I don't have much faith in his honesty though, so we'll see what happens there.
Just got out of the best bath EVER. I don't really take baths often because I feel like I'm wasting time - like there's always something more productive I should be doing. BUt it was so beautiful outside today, I took a walk to the store, picked up some epsom salts and has a long soak. My muscles are all twitchy - happens for some reason with epsom salts but I feel a lot more relaxed!
A few shots:

Aaaannnd Ive tried to capture this on camera before but it never works. This time it did!! My weird non pigmented birth mark. You can only see it when Im tanned or red from hot water. Normally it just blends into my paleness!

(its a few inches below my belly button) weird thing.
you guys have anything weird on your body? birth marks, etc??
I was born with a huge ass strawberry birthmark in the middle of my forehead. Thank GOD it went away as a baby!!
Hope everyones day is going well!!!!
Poor Maggie, I hate clipping animal toenails. I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt them. Cleaning hooves up is okay but the little critters are so squirmy when they get upset