yesterday we buried one of our own. the whole day was pretty depressing. i went to work for a few hours, they let me go after finding out why i was so miserable. i ended up going to buckykatt666's horror movie night and saw jamielee, gentlemancaller they drove all the way up from maryland to watch movies, you two rock, it was nice seeing you again. then there were the locals pip, mylf (former local and local for a few more days), TheFullNelson i jumped in his grave...ahh i mean chair for the basket case but i gave it back, cherrysodap0p, the pretty lady plaingurl who kept on drinking buckykatt666's water.."cause i'm sooo pretty and i can do anything i want"
, MissTyrios good seeing you, curlyoxide came from the lost towns of NH and of course our wonder host and pimp buckykatt666.
i really needed that break from all of what was going on and the horror (commical) movie night is just what i needed, even if it was for only a few hours.

i really needed that break from all of what was going on and the horror (commical) movie night is just what i needed, even if it was for only a few hours.
it was cool that you were able to make it and hang with us for a bit.