love love love love love love love love love love love This site makes me happy.... the kind of happy you feel when you find someone of the opposite sex that is like you... but it is totally plutonic which makes it even better cause you have a connection that you cannot find in others... this is one of the top three thing that makes me smile... the others are cleavage and sex.... biggrin ......Hey, I'm a...
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hey. welcome to the site.

candy is one of the top 3 things that make me smile ...

Well... what are the other two... if you are gonna tell one... might as well thell the others... biggrin
Errr... what a slow day this is. Nothing to do but wait for school to start tomorrow.... I hate school... nothing but self-inportant asshole who get their kicks out of making people feel as if they were below them. Well, I have a suprise coming for them... cept I haven't thought of one yet, but if I did, it would be good...

God, why did...
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haha I love rants. You have a point there though. You should have been around for my fireworks rant. ::shakes head::
Hmmm, still awake and school starts in one day... I need to get back into my regular sleeping habbit... go to sleep at 1am and wake up at 6:30am...plenty of sleep for school and a job... man I need a life

Well... I am a dork. I love going to Lan parties and yet I am still the suckiest person to go to them... yet...
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Cattle Decapatation and Goatwhore are coming the 14 of October....errrr, so excitied.... Can't wait...

Ummm, bye
Ahhhh...went to go see Calico System and it Fucking Ruled....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... man, I love going to shows..all the adrenaline rushing through every pore and vein... the natural high that keep you going even though the show is over has got me hooked like a bad junkie... and I love it so much.... love love love

Me and a couple of friends are doing a lan party today so we...
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And how is eveyone on this glorious ...afternoon...... I need to start waking up earlier because my life dosen't start until 3pm... I need to invest in an alarm... or go to bed before 7 in the morning...ohh well, I will live until school starts back...

Well, my life has just moved from bad to worst... why do I seem to want to find all...
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Hello... how are all of you in SG land. Hope you are all having fun... write more later...