Just when you think all your problems are coming to a stopping point, something comes up and aggitates them back to where they originally were or worse.... and all it takes to break the thresh-hold of your pain seems to get even smaller than what it was at a year ago. Is it human flaw to bring others down or is it a pleasure to...
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I read ths and had to post it for all of you....I was laughing my ass off for quite a few minutes. But then again it may be me that thought it was funny.... let me know if you thought it was funny.

True story, I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get...
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yeah, thaty's funny. thanks for the laugh!
I hadn't heard from you in a while so I thought I would stop by for a quick hello, and to see how your doing. kiss

That was the funniest story I've ever read by the way...loved it!
What doesn't kill us only makes us stranger.... and so it goes that all fo you have had your problems. I just had a friend admitted into a hosipital because he tried to commit suicide. It kinda sucks and it really bothers me as to why. What can be so hard that you would end your life only to loose the realization that something better...
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I totally agree with the pea shooter idea... but only because that would be fun to run around shooting people with peas. Nobody would know what the fuck was going on. biggrin
If something has been broken and nobody seems to care post this sentence in your journal.
I have found the toy of God...............................WHEE-LO's. Even now as i sit here, it is sitting there next to me and waiting for the moment in which i will pick it back up and start playing with it again. I wonder what sort of hold it has on me. Does it think or is it projecting its will upon me and commanding me to play...
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hehehe...mushrooms...i've had some crazy times on fungus. biggrin I'm so jealous...u got to meet Shamaya... i love her poetry...that woman is fuckin' raw....did u take pics?
Well, work is killing me and i am doing bad in school.... sounds like last year... ahhh well, i will live to fight another battle...

SO how has everybody been? Good i hope...

I went to the Kittie show with my female friends..... (who i later found out are all extermely crazy.... always good news)..... and i was not all that bad. First there was...
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This has to be the weirdest time to update my journal.... my friends are drunk and fucking behind me.... give it up for liquid courage............HOOORAH

NOt much shit has been going on with me, just tring to finish up my exams and all.... god i am ready to be out of school.

My b-day was Sept 22... go me and by the way, please do...
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on of my past gfs hated birthdays too... she hated em because she said it was another year she had been tortured by this fucking planet....

Make every day a holiday
I call it "pain go bye-bye juice"
Ohhhh my fucking bob.... i am in love, and i really don't even know the person.... I am not gay, but this man was hottttt..... there is no other way to say it.... He is in a band I went to see tonight... It is calle So She Sang....go to herefor his music and a blurry pic of him...... juses in fucking hell he...
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I feel ya. I find plenty of women hot but I wouldn't want to date them. They just tend to be better to look at. confused
Work is killing me...... it is not that I hate my work because I don't, I just wish it was a bit more on the suddle side.... but the money is good so I can deal... for a little while anyways.

School is really starting to get on my nerves... i am not really sure if it is the fact that i do the same...
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thanks man... i needed that.
sounds like you could apply some of your advice yourself too... just a thought
Hmmmmmm, i guess my weekend was good.... 3 days off from school as well as work... good times never seem to last long....

I got so wasted Sat. after seeing the show (The Krunchies and Mouserocket)... punk garage bands are all good and well but there is something missing that i cannot seem to put a finger on...

But back to being wasted.... after the...
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Yeah, I like annoying people too, oh yeah. and living with them. But, someone had been staying at my place for a while, so it's nice when it's yours again, you know?
As for your drinking incident, I haven't exactly done that, but on my sixteenth birthday in high school, I got so drunk that I didn't realize that I had puked. That's got to be hot.
One morning, after floating in a scotch bottle all night, i woke up with one of those police chalkings around me...

well, it felt like it anyway wink