You are the color red. You are the most<br>controversial of all the colors. You are often<br>easily angered, but as easily as you got<br>excited, you come down. When angered, do you<br>have the tendency to be malicious? Afterwards,<br>do you end up begging for forgiveness? Maybe.<br>But you're incredibly generous, and, odd<br>enough, needy. You love to hate, and<br>sometimes, you hate to love. This color<br>describes you as generally edgy. When in a bad<br>situation, you're pessimistic, and when you're<br>in a good situation, you're extremely<br>optimistic. You're painfully tempermental, and<br>sometimes it hurts the ones you love. But with<br>an exciting and stimulating attitude, you enjoy<br>talking to people and being social. But aside<br>from your bold and outgoing attitude, you're<br>attention-needing and attention-getting. This<br>color is associated with lust and desire--and<br>you are both lust and desirous. You're a<br>protective person when it comes to the people<br>you love. You're incredibly sharp-witted and<br>powerful (not to mention intelligent!).
Well, that is about it...... byt he way... i met someone... peace everyone and have fun in your little worlds... im outie
Edit on 13/02/2005 at 22:05
Holy shit this is funny... but it is 30 minutes long so if ya have time.. watch it..
Well, that is about it...... byt he way... i met someone... peace everyone and have fun in your little worlds... im outie
Edit on 13/02/2005 at 22:05
Holy shit this is funny... but it is 30 minutes long so if ya have time.. watch it..