hmmmmm, not really much to talk about.... so i guess i will ramble.... it seems to me that people are getting older at a younger age, and why is this? most people blame the media, i dont. i blame the parents. who knows, for a fact, that spanking your kids is abusive? i was spanked all the way up till i was 17 and i do not think it is that bad of an idea. this was brought on by one of my friends that just recently had a kid and will not punish her for anything... and the kid runs all over her... and so i asked myself why? she expects a 2 year old child to know right from wrong, and in fact she does, but not to the extent that we as adults do. this kid knows that hitting the dog is wrong, but will still do it anyway, and my friend lets her do it anyway, and her excuse is that, and i quote, "She does not know any better......" fuck that, the reason the kid kows no better is because you have not let her know what is right and wrong.... and this is why i say that spanking should not be wrong... it iteaches them that there is a consequence for every action. you shoot a police officer and you are in a lot of shit. if you do not set limits for a child, then he will not know what all is allowed and what is not. and people wonder as to why crime is worse now than it was earlier?????? i fucking wonder why????? well, so i tell my friend that if she does not dicipline her child, then she is doing nothing to help her kid. "But it hurts me to spank my kid!"..... so, it is gonna hurt you even more watching your kid put to death by a needle because he did not kow that killing people was bad... (i know i am taking this to an extreme but if you are goning to be this ignorant, then something needs to be done. ) ........ i just really dont know about these parents these days.... i am not dissing parents, because i know that there are parents on this site, but do your kids a favor, be their parents and show them what is right and wrong. i PROMISE that it will be for their benifit...... i always hated getting punished but i turned out better for it... and i thank my parents for being parents and doing what was right... but i am not a parent, so i have no place to tell parents what is right and what is wrong.... so, do as you please and make sure you are doing what you believe is right and hope that it turns out well and good...
well, now that all the rambling is all done and over with, i think i can move on to something better... how was all of your days and how is your weekend so far.... good??? bad??? tell me about it... i like to hear stories and who knows, maybe some of the shit i spout out might help you out in the long run.... you never know... never hurts to try...
hmmmm, now what to talk about???? i have no clue so i guess i will roll on out and see all of you later.... have fun and dont do anything i would not do (not that that leaves alot out
)...... and here are 61 through 80... out of 161..... geez there are alot of them.... ohhh well... have fun in your little worlds.
61) Glove your pecker before you check her
62) Coat that slimmer before you prime her
63) Condomize then womanize (or sodomize)
64) Cover old pete then grind her meat
65) Guard your peter before you meet her
66) Check your list before you tryst
67) Wrap your bate before you mate
68) Can your worm before you squirm
69) Cover your pipe you dumb ass wipe
70) Contain your lizard then tickle her gizzard
71) Bag the mole then do her hole
72) Cuff your carrot before you share it
73) Jail your number then call the plumber
74) Cover your vein then drive her insane
75) Wrap that pickle then slip her a tickle
76) Protect your dink then fluff her mink
77) Restrain your lantern then stick it in her cavern
78) Hide ole harry then take her cherry
79) Wrap that spout then bore her out
80) Conceal your train don't cause her pain
*cue the pig* "thats all folks"
well, now that all the rambling is all done and over with, i think i can move on to something better... how was all of your days and how is your weekend so far.... good??? bad??? tell me about it... i like to hear stories and who knows, maybe some of the shit i spout out might help you out in the long run.... you never know... never hurts to try...
hmmmm, now what to talk about???? i have no clue so i guess i will roll on out and see all of you later.... have fun and dont do anything i would not do (not that that leaves alot out

61) Glove your pecker before you check her
62) Coat that slimmer before you prime her
63) Condomize then womanize (or sodomize)
64) Cover old pete then grind her meat
65) Guard your peter before you meet her
66) Check your list before you tryst
67) Wrap your bate before you mate
68) Can your worm before you squirm
69) Cover your pipe you dumb ass wipe
70) Contain your lizard then tickle her gizzard
71) Bag the mole then do her hole
72) Cuff your carrot before you share it
73) Jail your number then call the plumber
74) Cover your vein then drive her insane
75) Wrap that pickle then slip her a tickle
76) Protect your dink then fluff her mink
77) Restrain your lantern then stick it in her cavern
78) Hide ole harry then take her cherry
79) Wrap that spout then bore her out
80) Conceal your train don't cause her pain
*cue the pig* "thats all folks"