Errr.... 6 more hours till I have to return to the place of my imprisonment (aka: school)... It really is not all that bad as I make it out to be, it is the boredom and the repetition of it all that makes it all so bad... I love learning don't get me wrong and most of it I want to learn about... ex: my Allied Health class... I love that class because not only does the teacher teach, but it is also interactive. Now American History can kiss my ass... I do not believe that history can repeat itself... I do not see another Jesus walking around or another Hitler trying to exterminate the Jews again... and the fact that all it is is reading out of a huge mother fucking book that changes every year is what kills me... the monotomy is eating away at my skin... ever so slowly peeling away at the very thing at which I call my sanity (If I can say I even had it)...
Err...another rant... what can I say but sorry, it has to come out somewhere and what better place that a place you love and hope people will listen to you...
Have fun all....

Err...another rant... what can I say but sorry, it has to come out somewhere and what better place that a place you love and hope people will listen to you...
Have fun all....