Well, i have been up for almost 48 hours and yet i still have not slept.... i cannot figure it out.... my mind is trying to tell me somethig that i cannot catch on to, and it is eating me up on the inside.... it is too bad you cannot hear what your sub-conscience mind is trying to tell you... i mean that would only...
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Wow.... how time flies when you are .... bored out your ass .... i would bore you with all of the retarded crap that has hit the metaphorical fan that is above my head..... but i really do not feel like typing it all up so just deal....
... anyway.... finally i have some time to myself.... well, a day at least.... now time to...
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Hmmm, not much to say really... not much has been going on in my world... just the same old stuff; that everyday bullshit that everone puts up with on a day to day basis... but that is about it.
How is it in your world? Good i hope, or at least better than it was when ever it was bad.... whatever....
This girl i am...
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How is it in your world? Good i hope, or at least better than it was when ever it was bad.... whatever....
This girl i am...
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Hello there! Great to hear that you are doing good! Just stopping in to see how things are going!

You are the color red. You are the most<br>controversial of all the colors. You are often<br>easily angered, but as easily as you got<br>excited, you come down. When angered, do you<br>have the tendency to be malicious? Afterwards,<br>do you end up begging for forgiveness? Maybe.<br>But you're incredibly generous, and, odd<br>enough, needy. You love to hate, and<br>sometimes, you hate to love. This color<br>describes you as generally edgy. When...
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I have a question...... If you say "Jesus fucking Christ".... are you saying that jesus is masturbating? because if so, then that makes "Christ" the dick..... or is it the other way around..... i dont know.... that made me stop and think.... ohhh well
i think that was about it.. have fun and peace
i think that was about it.. have fun and peace
You should take a little nap. You've been thinking too much.

You could change it and say God fucking Jesus and then it would be incest instead.
Just wanted to say hello!
Just wanted to say hello!

hmmmmm, not really much to talk about.... so i guess i will ramble.... it seems to me that people are getting older at a younger age, and why is this? most people blame the media, i dont. i blame the parents. who knows, for a fact, that spanking your kids is abusive? i was spanked all the way up till i was 17 and i...
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Well, i hope that all of you little lovlies out there had one awesome of a time drinking it up for New Years Day... cause i know i did.. and you never know what you are possible of ding until you are drunk... i ended up dancing, and for those of you that dont know i dont dance well nor do i like to dance,...
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*squeals of joy* thank you. 

It is New Years Eve, and what is the best way to bring in the new year..... get completly wasted.... and that is what i plan on doing. Drunken fun with nothing in particular to do and nothing worth doing leaves no time to waste, so pick up your bottle or can of whatever and toss one back for me as i will toos one...
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Thanks for the kind words. You rock.
I did a show New Years, drank half a bottle of champagne, several beers, and fucked in the bathroom while the drummer and a security guard chilled in the hotel room. I had quite the new years.
Keep in touch!

Thanks for the kind words. You rock.
I did a show New Years, drank half a bottle of champagne, several beers, and fucked in the bathroom while the drummer and a security guard chilled in the hotel room. I had quite the new years.

Keep in touch!
Hmmmm, i am sooo bored in my town, i would love to take a trip. Somewhere that i can be myself and that no one knows me for who i am. That way i am not seen as the person everyone knows me, but somewhere that i am basically alone , and be alone to myself with with company that just has recently met me....
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I wanted to wish you a happy new year, but now I think I'm laughing too hard at the slogans on there!!!!

You know... looking into your own eye kinda creeps me out. I have know idea if it is just the fact that i can see all the shit i have been through or all the shit i have done in the name of fun, but i cannot look at myself in the mirror. I mean i can to get ready because it takes a hell...
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(The picture is to make up for the bland comment I just left you!