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i'm alive
and... i could sell Asahi super dry if only i frequented karaoke bars more often.
(note new picture, i'm no longer deluding the public into believing that i'm quentin tarantino)
i've been away because i've been working (yay money) and i never get time to get on the computer.
plus i was sharing a computer with the boi. now i have my own computer with functioning network power with which to steal the internet with. mm networky.
mm lame excuses.
look at my network powah.
uni goes back in a week. what the?
now i will slowly try to post to people
i'm vegantastic. dairy is no longer one of my evil fucked up vices.
nothing else has really changed since i posted like a month ago. i read more boring books now. there's a cool book on the decay of public language by don watson which has now got me into boring books by orwell and chomsky. i dig them. i am laughed at.
and everyone should read eric schlosser
i get to drool over david bowie in a week. from a few meters away (i hope). oh god.
pirate z
i'm alive
and... i could sell Asahi super dry if only i frequented karaoke bars more often.
(note new picture, i'm no longer deluding the public into believing that i'm quentin tarantino)
i've been away because i've been working (yay money) and i never get time to get on the computer.
plus i was sharing a computer with the boi. now i have my own computer with functioning network power with which to steal the internet with. mm networky.
mm lame excuses.
look at my network powah.
uni goes back in a week. what the?
now i will slowly try to post to people
i'm vegantastic. dairy is no longer one of my evil fucked up vices.
nothing else has really changed since i posted like a month ago. i read more boring books now. there's a cool book on the decay of public language by don watson which has now got me into boring books by orwell and chomsky. i dig them. i am laughed at.
and everyone should read eric schlosser
i get to drool over david bowie in a week. from a few meters away (i hope). oh god.

pirate z

yeah tofutti is sweet...
they are the australian distributors of tofutti... I've only ever had the cheese, sour supreme, all the cream cheeses, lots of the different ice creams (better pecan is unbelievable!!!) but I've *heard* that we can get the burgers here (does have egg white in them) and few other bits and pieces...
I am yet to find somewhere in melbourne that sells tofutti.. truth be told I have havent looked very hard.. I did contact the distributor but they never emailed me back with a list of places that sells the product.. which is nuts because the distributor is in melbourne...
whcih is why I'm thinking about opening my own supermarket.. just so I can have permanent acces to all the yummy foods I want...
i knooooooooooooooow why dont I have some cuties!!! and sour supreme!! I'm nursing a hang over and need nachos and icey treats!!!!
you've got me hanging for them now.. .I think I'll go on a mission!!! theres no kosher supermarkets here