arghgh the site has changed and i'm more confused than usual
it's pink though
i like the pink
i am tired
we've moved house (and survived!), it's a messy hellhole
we'll probably finish cleaning/moving in just before our first house inspection in about a month or so. until then i'll have to keep walking around boxes of crap that i don't want to sort through. it's frustrating. but i don't have time to sort. i'm spending the weekend at uni. what the fuck?
mm internet. finally have the internet back. had it for a few days now but the 'network' doesn't actually work so my computer is abandoned on the other side of the study.
past few weeks have been hell with moving and a billion assignments due and lots of tests.
i'll be happy at the end of next week.
seeing the white stripes on thursday.. but i have a big assignment due on friday. hopefully i get it done before/on thursday or i'll cry. (hence the weekend at uni)
oh! this evening we went to our new dodgy local pub. they had this awful cover band duo and there were these two people dancing to the "music" and they looked like mental patients who had escaped from some kind of mental asylum.
AND along with dodgy duo's and mental patients the outdoor area of the pub has this FAKE PLASTIC TREE. it's a big fake palm tree with green flashing lights for the palm fronds. it looks like the palm trees that come with the lego sets of pirate stuff (but, like, huge). anyway. i'm in love with this tacky tree and the scary pub. i'll become an alcoholic in the holidays so i can be a pirate freak under a flashing palm tree.
this dodgy pub is the first pub i've been to in a long time with some vegetarian food that isn't just wedges. so i'm happy. ish.
blerr i am not insane.
my back hurts. time for pr0n.
- exhausted pirate z
what the fuck is this emoticon?
does anyone from melbourne know about 'earthcore'? it sounds like some hippy rave where people take a lot of acid. this is what i have heard. any more information? one of my friends is going. it's in november or something.
it's pink though
i like the pink
i am tired
we've moved house (and survived!), it's a messy hellhole
we'll probably finish cleaning/moving in just before our first house inspection in about a month or so. until then i'll have to keep walking around boxes of crap that i don't want to sort through. it's frustrating. but i don't have time to sort. i'm spending the weekend at uni. what the fuck?
mm internet. finally have the internet back. had it for a few days now but the 'network' doesn't actually work so my computer is abandoned on the other side of the study.
past few weeks have been hell with moving and a billion assignments due and lots of tests.
i'll be happy at the end of next week.
seeing the white stripes on thursday.. but i have a big assignment due on friday. hopefully i get it done before/on thursday or i'll cry. (hence the weekend at uni)
oh! this evening we went to our new dodgy local pub. they had this awful cover band duo and there were these two people dancing to the "music" and they looked like mental patients who had escaped from some kind of mental asylum.
AND along with dodgy duo's and mental patients the outdoor area of the pub has this FAKE PLASTIC TREE. it's a big fake palm tree with green flashing lights for the palm fronds. it looks like the palm trees that come with the lego sets of pirate stuff (but, like, huge). anyway. i'm in love with this tacky tree and the scary pub. i'll become an alcoholic in the holidays so i can be a pirate freak under a flashing palm tree.
this dodgy pub is the first pub i've been to in a long time with some vegetarian food that isn't just wedges. so i'm happy. ish.
blerr i am not insane.
my back hurts. time for pr0n.
- exhausted pirate z

does anyone from melbourne know about 'earthcore'? it sounds like some hippy rave where people take a lot of acid. this is what i have heard. any more information? one of my friends is going. it's in november or something.
>you are a sad nerd aren't you?
Whoa! Well, you're a real charmer aren't you?
Well, now that you mention it, I do spend time doing nerdy things. Like configuring a Windows 2003 server cluster over a weekend... nothing wrong with that, except that it is in my bedroom
Or reading Guy Bower's book on trading options.
At least, I gave up playing Dungeons & Dragons in high school and I won't be caught dead at one of those dreadful japanese animation screenings at Curtin uni.
I know, I tend to get a bit melodramatic at this time of year and start ranting and much of it os overexagerated. I can only blame myself if people don't read my rants and don't even bother replying to my journal entries. It's something about the combined effects of the changing weather patterns, solar radiation from a yellow sun and the constant brainwashing at work "You are happy. Work is fun. You desire a pay cut. The coffee is delicious"
Yeah, I am a bit strange. But what passes for normal these days, anyway? Being normal is overrated.
So tell me, what nerdy things occupy your time when you are not studying, dear Alita?
Seriously, I'm hope that you got everything done at uni over the weekend. I wish you well with all your exams. So, what are you studying?
Love and take care.
~ EyesOnly ~
[Edited on Oct 12, 2003 9:55AM]
>i have no idea what trading options are
A stock option is a contract that grants you the right, but not the obligation, to either buy or sell a number (usually 1000) of shares for a specific price.
For example, by buying what is called 'put' options, you are able to protect your shares, should they suddenly drop in value. So think of it as an insurance policy for shares, but there are other aspects to options, which are more complicated. Options, unlike regular shares, allow you to make a profit even in a falling market. Options are generally only available for well traded company stocks (ie banks, retail, media)
Are you still with me?
Also, a person can trade an option purely for speculation, without ever owning the underlying stock. A careful stock option trader is able to consistently make a %30+ profit within days or even just hours.
This activity requires a bit of study, research, patience, but mostly discipline. Most amateur traders just go out there and buy shares on a whim, hoping to strike it rich. When money is at stake, people become extremely emotional and greedy. They fail to notice subtle signals from the market and usually end up making a huge loss and probably will end up heavily in debt or bankrupt. (Or dead, if they borrowed money from the mafia, yakuza, or their chinese neighbours)
Incidentally, statistics show that women make better traders, because they are get less emotional about money.
That's probably more than you ever wanted to know about the stock options, but you since you asked so nicely.
Why am I learning this stuff? Easy, I'm getting sick and tired of my job. It's all politics and bullshit and we get no thanks. An there has to be easier ways of making money. I'd quit, but I want them to get rid of me and pay me redundancy.
I was kinda toying with moderating an investment group here on SG, but honestly think that noone would give a shit. You'd probably rally all your friends and tell me what a nerd I am and poke fun at me.
But I am working on my own site and anything goes there. No nudie pics, though.
>maybe i need your whacky theta level meditation. does that exist or are you making it up?
Good call, Alita
But yeah, you can buy tapes that claim to put you into the 'theta' state/trance, if you believe that crap. Search for 'Theta Level Meditation' on Google. But then again, I've heard from other people that 1 hour of meditation can be as good as 2 hours sleep. Yeah, I'll have what they've smoking
Ok, nerdy trivia time is over for tonight
Take care, Alita Goodnight
~ EyesOnly ~
Fuck, is my entry really this long? Um very, sorry Alita. I just go into my own little world when I start yakking about stuff. I've just removed some paragraphs, but still... You still love me, right?
[Edited on Oct 13, 2003 6:36AM]