i am verging on the brink of sickness, but the wheezing is more related to how completely astounding the SG show was on tuesday.
so... *wheeze*x2
i -need- a Reagan action figure doll. perfect SG merch. if anyone's reading.. action figures! stat!
i'm working on another cardie. i should document my sad knitting nanna existence on here, i'll see what i can do with the timer on our shitty camera. almost-a-dr j is on delivery again today. not pizzas, but babies. gross.. and much less appetising.
i'm having a nanna's weekend in vegetating with occasional window shopping. and perhaps eating pizza now that i mentioned it.
so... *wheeze*x2
i -need- a Reagan action figure doll. perfect SG merch. if anyone's reading.. action figures! stat!
i'm working on another cardie. i should document my sad knitting nanna existence on here, i'll see what i can do with the timer on our shitty camera. almost-a-dr j is on delivery again today. not pizzas, but babies. gross.. and much less appetising.
i'm having a nanna's weekend in vegetating with occasional window shopping. and perhaps eating pizza now that i mentioned it.

It was nice to have met you that night, hope I didnt tread on your toes in the stampede towards the stage.
Check that: I'm going to be making cards, when I have my house back. I have a few too many unplanned guests sleeping in my living rooms.