excesively pissed off now by people who are supposed to be rational. have been reading large quantities of quantum physics as of late... started wondering why every single theorem, proof and equation assumes time is a given (after all, we measure time by a completely flawed, ever changing, and increasingly chaotic device - our planets movement in this solar system). have not found one single proof for time. went and asked a professor at UB why time is a constant... his actual answer was "because it is". no proof, no explanation, i am just supposed to immediately accept that since we have come up with a system for measuring something we can't even observe (remember oh seekers of truth that time and entropy are not the same thing) that it has to be true.
have now lost all faith in a brighter tomorrow. going to continue to search for proof of time. in the meanwhile i think it is safe to assume that there is no such thing and we are all suffering from some silly taught hallucination.
have now lost all faith in a brighter tomorrow. going to continue to search for proof of time. in the meanwhile i think it is safe to assume that there is no such thing and we are all suffering from some silly taught hallucination.