It's been forever since I've been on here. Internet was on the fritz. Oh, and I happened to throw my computer across the room and smash it into a bunch of pieces, which didn't help the situation AT ALL.
Not much has been going on in the shitty ass little town, other than the fact that were gonna have to get canoes for transportation if this rain shit doesn't stop soon. But I dig it. 'Specially since I'm living in a massive two story house right now. Hooray for rich friends! There's a TV here that's longer than I am tall! I feel so NOT poor right now.
I'm still working on my new set. It's gonna be taken outside, that's why it has taken so long for me to post anything. I've been waiting for the damn weather to warm up!! And dry up...
Oh, I was in jail for a couple of days. That was fun. Yeah. I'll even go out on a limb here and say I had the time of my friggan' life, even. Oh, and a bunch of my fucking piercings closed too, but thankfully I saved all but one. Which was my second tongue piercing. I had to re-pierce each nipple twice because both holes in each closed up, but it wasn't that bad. SO, yea, it was amazing. I heart jail. Right. NOTE FROM EDITOR: Don't ever fucking go to jail. It's lame.
I went and saw the AMAZING Lamb of God again. It was brutal. Children of Bodom, God Forbid, Municipal Waste, and As I Lay Dying were there too. FUCKING INTENSE!! And a couple days ago, my friends booked a band called the Murder Junkies to play here. It was hella cool, besides the fact that the Bible Humpers protested and nearly got the show canceled. Kudos to fundamentalists.
What's new?
It's been forever since I've been on here. Internet was on the fritz. Oh, and I happened to throw my computer across the room and smash it into a bunch of pieces, which didn't help the situation AT ALL.
Not much has been going on in the shitty ass little town, other than the fact that were gonna have to get canoes for transportation if this rain shit doesn't stop soon. But I dig it. 'Specially since I'm living in a massive two story house right now. Hooray for rich friends! There's a TV here that's longer than I am tall! I feel so NOT poor right now.
I'm still working on my new set. It's gonna be taken outside, that's why it has taken so long for me to post anything. I've been waiting for the damn weather to warm up!! And dry up...
Oh, I was in jail for a couple of days. That was fun. Yeah. I'll even go out on a limb here and say I had the time of my friggan' life, even. Oh, and a bunch of my fucking piercings closed too, but thankfully I saved all but one. Which was my second tongue piercing. I had to re-pierce each nipple twice because both holes in each closed up, but it wasn't that bad. SO, yea, it was amazing. I heart jail. Right. NOTE FROM EDITOR: Don't ever fucking go to jail. It's lame.
I went and saw the AMAZING Lamb of God again. It was brutal. Children of Bodom, God Forbid, Municipal Waste, and As I Lay Dying were there too. FUCKING INTENSE!! And a couple days ago, my friends booked a band called the Murder Junkies to play here. It was hella cool, besides the fact that the Bible Humpers protested and nearly got the show canceled. Kudos to fundamentalists.
What's new?
